Who is watching the debate tonight?

It's on at 6:30 on abc ( and other channels). You can download the Morgan poll reactor from the App Store and track your approval as you watch it. That's what I'm going to do 😄

I vaguely remember tony rabbit won a debate in the last election, I wonder how he'll go tonight.
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Who is watching the debate tonight?

@monman12 wrote:

IS: "Tony Abbott saw them pre-debate .Why did he not say something about it prior to the debate ? He knew the rules and was OK for the PM to as alleged break the rules ?"


Do you really have to ask that IS ?,  because if you do not appreciate the subsequent  "advantage" gained,  post debate by Abbott, you  are as bright as Rudd using prepared notes, and thus giving Abbott some  high ground as a result.


Myopic Tongues2 Small.jpg











what you failed to register is that at least as far as I am concerned if he had prior knowledge and didn't stop it ...any advantage he may think he has gained is lost.If he claims to respect the rules himself I don't believe him...he is quite happy to knowingly let the rules be broken and watch others break them.. if and where he thinks it will help him to do so.

Message 121 of 178
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Who is watching the debate tonight?

What do you think iza of Mr Rudd breakinv ths rules? Or that's not relevent?
Message 122 of 178
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Who is watching the debate tonight?


I would suggest that it is up to the participants to observe the rules, and the moderator ( that is why there is one) to enforce them.


" as far as I am concerned if he had prior knowledge and didn't stop it". Your "concern" is flawed IS, because having notes before the debate would OK.  Who is supposed to do anything once Rudd  starts using them during the debate other than the moderator?. Can you imagine the (your) comments if Abbott complained  during the debate?


"any advantage he may think he has gained is lost...." Really? so why does this aspect of the debate here, and elsewhere,  feature?


Myopic Tongues2 Small.jpg

Message 123 of 178
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Who is watching the debate tonight?

I don't believe that I have said that Twinkles .It's all relevant .



and I think this is a cop out (from the debate's moderator, Sky News political editor David Speers)


The debate's moderator, Sky News political editor David Speers, revealed following the debate that the Prime Minister had used the paperwork against the rules.




Footage of Mr Rudd shows he was holding a pile of papers and he appeared to repeatedly reference them while talking.


But Speers said he had not noticed during the showdown as he was focusing on his own job moderating and asking questions.


Read more: http://www.news.com.au/national-news/federal-election/election-debate-kevin-rudd-accused-of-cheating...


Message 124 of 178
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Who is watching the debate tonight?

@monman12 wrote:


I would suggest that it is up to the participants to observe the rules, and the moderator ( that is why there is one) to enforce them.


" as far as I am concerned if he had prior knowledge and didn't stop it". Your "concern" is flawed IS, because having notes before the debate would OK.  Who is supposed to do anything once Rudd  starts using them during the debate other than the moderator?. Can you imagine the (your) comments if Abbott complained  during the debate?


"any advantage he may think he has gained is lost...." Really? so why does this aspect of the debate here, and elsewhere,  feature?


Myopic Tongues2 Small.jpg

nb:as far as I am concerned 


Message 125 of 178
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Who is watching the debate tonight?

Somebody nicked the evidence, polksa lol

A bit like tony is going to do with health and education jobs.

Message 126 of 178
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Who is watching the debate tonight?

@nero_wulf wrote:

Abbott had a PEN and PAPER to take notes and that was allowed and thats all he had


 RUDD CHEATED Abbott DIDNT........ 


"According to the rules signed off by both parties and issued by the National Press Club on Friday, both Mr Abbott and Mr Rudd were prohibited from having pre-prepared paperwork.

"The leaders may have a pen and paper on the lectern and no other documentation or props,'' the rules state"



@izabsmiling wrote:

Twinks, I don't know if it is photo shopped .It's bad  that we need to question these things with our political news media isn't it.I'd say that as they are allowed pen and paper..that they both quite likely had them


Scuse me Nero, Ruddy only had Therese's shopping list on that note, he was so bored he wasto reading what he had to pick up from the shop on his way home.


JMK told me that because she went out to dinner with Therese.

Message 127 of 178
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Who is watching the debate tonight?

Too right. biggrin2.gif

Message 128 of 178
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Who is watching the debate tonight?

@just_me_karen wrote:
Somebody nicked the evidence, polksa lol

A bit like tony is going to do with health and education jobs.



Something for the blinded on here re jobs


This is LABOR and LABOR policy but I know.. thats OK for LABOR to do that.... 


Labor planning to ditch 4000 jobs


Federal government workplaces are expected to cull more than 4000 jobs over the next 11 months, an analysis of this month's economic statement suggests.


The staffing purge would be the worst in 15 years, and the toughest under a Labor government since Paul Keating's 1994-95 budget.

We have a strong expectation that agencies will first look at non-staffing activities before considering staff reductions.

Treasurer Chris Bowen

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd unveiled the statement on August 2 in response to a worsening economic and revenue outlook.


It shows the government plans to spend $229 million less on wages and salaries in 2013-14 than it had allocated in its May budget.


Message 129 of 178
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Who is watching the debate tonight?

@izabsmiling wrote:

I don't believe that I have said that Twinkles .It's all relevant .



and I think this is a cop out (from the debate's moderator, Sky News political editor David Speers)


The debate's moderator, Sky News political editor David Speers, revealed following the debate that the Prime Minister had used the paperwork against the rules.




Footage of Mr Rudd shows he was holding a pile of papers and he appeared to repeatedly reference them while talking.


But Speers said he had not noticed during the showdown as he was focusing on his own job moderating and asking questions.


Read more: http://www.news.com.au/national-news/federal-election/election-debate-kevin-rudd-accused-of-cheating...


It's hardly a pile of papers. Looked more like a few A4 sheets stapled together.  Both sides should be able to have a few dot points with key information. What's the point of allowing paper and pen if not for notes?


It's just stupid that people are more interested in the paper and pens than the substance of the comments. 

It was more a QandA session than a debate, imo.

Message 130 of 178
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