Why The Left has Turned Against The Masses

Community Member

Another brilliant insight into the lefts obsession in curtailing our freedoms and Freedom of the press.


We must not allow a few politicians to derail this reform just because they are in a high population ethnic electorate and their ethnic electorate want to see 18c stay, why is this? this is something we should all be on our guard against.


Politicians are elected to represent all Australians not just the few in their electorate, we mustn't be dictated to by the squeaky wheel but fight for all Australians to have the same rights and freedoms.


The arcane argument thet we will all turn into racists and bigots if we are not chained up is the mantra of the left and Conroy and Gillard were the masterminds behind the shameful push to restrict ordinary Australians.


This act, in the end, saw Gillard off and so she should be but the fight still goes on and the Left should be exposed for the shameful restrictions they are supporting: read on




In recent years, the Left has become more and more cut off from ordinary people, and now views the state, not the masses, as the best guarantor of truth and fairness.


And so its old belief that people could be trusted to think and speak freely, and to reach ­rational conclusions, has been replaced by a poisonous, pat­ernalistic conviction that if we hear the wrong thing we might instantly turn into psychotic racists or morons.



Behind the Left’s love of section 18C lies a far larger historical story about its abandonment of its old liberal ideals, and its vicious turning against the masses it once might have fought for.


The Left no longer believes people should be protected from “tyrannies”, but rather than we must be protected from ourselves and our base instincts.




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Re: Why The Left has Turned Against The Masses

Control the press and you control the people


The sheeple will believe what ever they are told and have very short memories of past deeds

Message 2 of 21
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Re: Why The Left has Turned Against The Masses

it did work somewhat for liberal party and the Murdoch owned press, hopefully people have wised up a bit since then

Message 3 of 21
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Re: Why The Left has Turned Against The Masses

not the self-styled marxist -libertarian again . he's as always completely off the track. IPA hack. i sincerely wish he'd stop making unfounded assumptions merely because he's a no mates reject in murdochs employ .

Message 4 of 21
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Re: Why The Left has Turned Against The Masses

@lakeland27 wrote:

not the self-styled marxist -libertarian again . he's as always completely off the track. IPA hack. i sincerely wish he'd stop making unfounded assumptions merely because he's a no mates reject in murdochs employ .

well thank goodness, for one terrible moment I thought it was because the left were busy ruining caturday's around the world. phew.

Message 5 of 21
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Re: Why The Left has Turned Against The Masses

I don't think it's the Masses they've turned against - only the Old Boys club that attends them 

Message 6 of 21
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Re: Why The Left has Turned Against The Masses

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

I don't think it's the Masses they've turned against - only the Old Boys club that attends them 

very good sheele, it took me a minute but i got there in the end.Woman LOL

Message 7 of 21
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Re: Why The Left has Turned Against The Masses

@boris1gary wrote:

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

I don't think it's the Masses they've turned against - only the Old Boys club that attends them 

very good sheele, it took me a minute but i got there in the end.Woman LOL

Smiley LOLSmiley LOL

Message 8 of 21
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Re: Why The Left has Turned Against The Masses

i can't see what everyone's comments  because my back's turned.

Message 9 of 21
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Re: Why The Left has Turned Against The Masses

@lakeland27 wrote:

not the self-styled marxist -libertarian again . he's as always completely off the track. IPA hack. i sincerely wish he'd stop making unfounded assumptions merely because he's a no mates reject in murdochs employ .

Lakeland, I think "marxist - libertarian" was a typo, what he actually meant was Machiavellian librarian.

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