Why Would You Give A Kid A Typewriter?

MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Tom Hanks has sent a letter and a Corona brand typewriter to an Australian boy who wrote to him about being bullied over his name, Corona, Australian television networks reported on Thursday.


Corona De Vries, an eight-year-old from the Gold Coast in Queensland state wrote to the Hollywood star after he and his wife, Rita, had spent more than two weeks in quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19 in the Australian beach resort.


The boy had written to Hanks saying: "I heard on the news you and your wife had caught the coronavirus," Channel 7 News reported. "Are you ok?"


He said he loved his name but people at school called him the coronavirus, which made him "sad and angry".


"Your letter made my wife and I feel so wonderful!" Hanks replied in a letter typed on a Corona typewriter which he had taken to the Gold Coast.

"You know, you are the only person I've ever known to have the name Corona -- like the ring around the sun, a crown," the double Oscar winner wrote to the boy. 


"I thought this typewriter would suit you," an image of the letter aired by Channel 7 News showed. "Ask a grown up how it works. And use it to write me back."


Hanks handwrote at the end: "P.S. You got a friend in ME!"




He's all heart isn't he, Tom Hanks?

Fancy sending a kid an obsolete piece of machinery. Why didn't he send him a laptop or something?


Message 1 of 27
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Why Would You Give A Kid A Typewriter?

What a lovely gesture by Hanks. 

Good to read some positive stories out of all the negative ones. 

Message 21 of 27
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Why Would You Give A Kid A Typewriter?

@snow*jewel wrote:

What a lovely gesture by Hanks. 

Good to read some positive stories out of all the negative ones. 

It's a feel good story, isn't it?


Not sure why it's being played down Robot Mad

Signatures suck.
Message 22 of 27
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Why Would You Give A Kid A Typewriter?

I understand - but some kids are - just different.


Mine is into Art Deco - & - different.


She still has the gift given when she was 12 - on her desk.


She looked very cute speaking on the phone.


images - 2020-04-24T163012.077.jpeg


I haven't checked to see if it can be used  today - our home phone is at the moment connected to the NBN.


Momentarily - as Telstra sent a - Nighthawk package - WiFi internet - 4g - yet to be tested.


This I think - has nothing to do with NBN - oh goody.



Message 23 of 27
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Why Would You Give A Kid A Typewriter?

Icy wrote: He's all heart isn't he, Tom Hanks?

Fancy sending a kid an obsolete piece of machinery. Why didn't he send him a laptop or something?


I think the words that have eluded you are symbolic gesture.


Message 24 of 27
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Why Would You Give A Kid A Typewriter?

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

Icy wrote: He's all heart isn't he, Tom Hanks?

Fancy sending a kid an obsolete piece of machinery. Why didn't he send him a laptop or something?


I think the words that have eluded you are symbolic gesture.


She-el. Those words did not "elude" me, as I was not searching for them.



Message 25 of 27
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Why Would You Give A Kid A Typewriter?

@icyfroth wrote:

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

Icy wrote: He's all heart isn't he, Tom Hanks?

Fancy sending a kid an obsolete piece of machinery. Why didn't he send him a laptop or something?


I think the words that have eluded you are symbolic gesture.


She-el. Those words did not "elude" me, as I was not searching for them.



Obviously not.

Message 26 of 27
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Why Would You Give A Kid A Typewriter?

"Mexico have stopped brewing Corona beer"



According to a female from Florida...


That's why you'all getting sick...you'all are drinkin that there Corona beer from glass bottles


Here we drink good ole Merican beer from aloooomin cans so we aint gonna git that there virus.


Sorry for the OT post...I think it was a great gesture from Tom Hanks.

Message 27 of 27
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