Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

Obviously the money has got to come from somewhere. Where do you want to take it from???

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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

LL, perhaps you think that unconditional allegiance is acceptable, and even demanded in you philosophy, but I am sure that any any reasonable, non ignorant person allocates conditions on their allegiance.


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 11 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

Money is not the problem.




JOBS......(i will repeat for those that cannot hear or are trying to be selective in their hearing Mr Abbott...)...JOBS is the issue.





'we' are not JUST blaming Abbott and Hockey....it's the whole mindset here in the LNP.

Message 12 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

I have a question to all those who do not think that debt should be reduced.


Is your credit card maxed out and you can only pay the minimum monthly payment?

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 13 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

Don't have a credit card. Do you?

Message 14 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

@poddster wrote:

LL, perhaps you think that unconditional allegiance is acceptable, and even demanded in you philosophy, but I am sure that any any reasonable, non ignorant person allocates conditions on their allegiance.


not something i adhere to. Rudds manus etc soloution is one i reject publicly and did here . i disagree with many labor policies, but they at least give us something to work with in terms of fairness . the other guys aren't even in the hunt as they've proven this week (again) Smiley Happy

Message 15 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

I do and I use it to make money ๐Ÿ™‚  The bank give me $195 per year ๐Ÿ™‚


Its easy to do if you have self control and a gram of sense.

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 16 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

....ask the people to do handstands and have the LNP/Coalition collect the offerings into their issued buckets...and if the people refuse just grab them by the ankles and hang them upside down.....Oh, What's that?...??
....they're already trying to put this into practise you say? ...Oh
Message 17 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

@matthew_mark_luke_and_bob wrote:

Obviously the money has got to come from somewhere. Where do you want to take it from???

The filthy rich, not the poor. Not from health and eduction.

Message 18 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

@poddster wrote:

I have a question to all those who do not think that debt should be reduced.


Is your credit card maxed out and you can only pay the minimum monthly payment?

Poddy they dont care, the left green socialist think that we have a bottomless pit full of money and they dont care about DEBT, just as long as they get their hand outs and welfare and free money from the govt.


Sad isnt it and you sure wouldnt put any of them in charge of your home budget or your business budget.. 


It has to make you wonder how they manage their home and business budgets or are they all in deep debt





Message 19 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

I do and I use it to make money :smileyhappy: The bank give me $195 per year :smileyhappy:


Its easy to do if you have self control and a gram of sense.


how much do you have to spend using card each yr to 'make' this $195?

How much do you pay in tax to do this?

Message 20 of 301
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