Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

A 49 year old jogger is lucky to be alive after being mauled by some loose American Staffordshires this week. He was so badly injured that the paramedics could see through his chest to his heart. One of the dogs didn't even let go of the mans torso when a passerby trying to help smashed the dog over the head with a concrete pot.


Here is the article: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/dog-owner-fined-four-months-before-jogger-attacked-20130527-2n6p8.html


Yes I know any dog could be feral if in the wrong hands or if it is neglected. And yes I know that the stats show that a significant number of reported dog incidences come from dogs other than the dangerous breeds.



BUT! The ones that do the most damage are the one that bite and hang on while doing the death shake. And those breeds are well known. In NSW by far the biggest rate of attack occurs from breeds such as the animals in the article. 


So why not just ban them?


And why oh why would any sane person think that this type of dog is an acceptable pet? Particularly if they have children?

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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|


And a lot of them ignore them. And then say they're great dogs when they bust out and do damage. All the dogs want is attention, they think if they do something out of their ordinary lives their owners will interact.


Yes, that too. 

Message 11 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

Community Member


Yes I am fully aware of what these dogs were bred for but all terriers are bred for killing of some description, be it fox rabbit whatever. Then you have your hunting dogs and hounds, we domesticated dogs from pack animals the bigger the dog the more damage they do so like I said what next? every dog over knee height? Small dogs have killed remember they baby in the U.K last year? Education and training is the only way BUT how do we force everyone to comply? 

Message 12 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

BUT how do we force everyone to comply?


Everyone who owns one of these dangerous-type dogs must be required to spend one day every year in a cage alone with someone else's little pet dangerous dog.


Make this the rule for all such dog owners and maybe they'd see to it their little doggie was properly socialized.B-)



Message 13 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

Community Member


Only the responsible owners would comply the rest would just continue to stick their unregistered untrained and unsocialised pets in their back yards. 

Message 14 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

Community Member

If that is the case Mugs then maybe it would be a good idea to make ownership illegal without a licence to own them.  I'm not talking about current pets but if they are only safe in the right hands and in the right homes then  something needs to be done.

Message 15 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

Community Member


I agree but it's totally impossible, there are so many crosses out there now, the stable door is open. For example Sand B have a cross bred staffy so that makes her pups Xs of the breed and so on and so on...... I suppose it's a case of compulsory sterilisation but again only responsible pet owners would comply and the black market would be huge. I don't know the answer but I don't think there is one. 

Do you know German Shepards were outlawed in WA for many years? Didn't stop people owning them if they were desperate enough. 

Message 16 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|


Yes I am fully aware of what these dogs were bred for but all terriers are bred for killing of some description, be it fox rabbit whatever. Then you have your hunting dogs and hounds, we domesticated dogs from pack animals the bigger the dog the more damage they do so like I said what next? every dog over knee height? Small dogs have killed remember they baby in the U.K last year? Education and training is the only way BUT how do we force everyone to comply? 


Big difference mugsy.


Other types of terriers don't have the jaw strength these dogs do. Yes they are capable of killing lizards or rats but not humans.


And hounds (which I have always owned) may have a hunting instinct but they don't have the killer one. Thats what makes a good hound.


And yes, as I said earlier, all dogs can turn, but none are quite in the same league as a pitt bull or staffie.

Message 17 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

Maybe instead of threatening "a fine or up to 2 years jail" these irresponsible owners should actually receive full consequences.


Throw them in jail for 2 years...or more. If they are caught with unregistered dangerous breeds, give them jail time. Its not like you can hide a big dog like you can a gun or other illegal things/activities. People will turn bad owners in, nobody wants to live next door to a killing machine...or a pack of them.



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Message 18 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

Community Member

No killer instinct in a greyhound?

those that attacked that jogger were said to be American Staffy's, English staffiy's are little more than knee height. 

This topic will carry on whilst people continue to own dogs. 


Message 19 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

Martini is right.  Pitbull terriers attack to kill.  They bite once, never let go, and continue to bite deeper and deeper until death occurs.  I have seen many photos of deceased (American) people who met their deaths this way.


They are banned in Britain, but they are imported illegally by calling them another breed.  It is a big problem there.


Message 20 of 78
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