Why do people protest about Islam?

I honestly believe that some of the protests seem valid


Some don't


I've probably upset a few on this board by saying my piece!


How many Syrian refugees are in Lebanon?


I doubt a lot of people actually know, there has to be some control, I hate the way our media is focussed on the very few.

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Re: Why do people protest about Islam?

Community Member
They say everyone needs a hobby
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Re: Why do people protest about Islam?

Why do people protest about Islam?


probably for similar reasons why

they protest about other religions?




(look up undo.jesus.org - there is a 

whole list of reasons)  





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Re: Why do people protest about Islam?





Doesn't matter.

Crazy is CRAZY.



Message 4 of 14
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Re: Why do people protest about Islam?

Community Member

My protests (such as they are) are because of some of the ideas which Islam teaches.


It teaches that women are not worth as much as men. (sura 4 koran)


I teaches that the Sharia system of religious law should be the only recognised law of the land.


It teaches that a person being born into a Muslim family is a Muslim and they are not allowed to choose for themselves or to give up their religion in favour of another one or of none at all (under penalty of death according to Sharia law).


I teaches that (in the Koran) those verses written (later) in Medina supercede and actually abrogate those more gentle Koranic verses written (earlier) in Mecca.


(and this is very important) the Meccan verses teach tolerance and peace, while the Medina verses teach intolerance and hatred of the infidel and exhort war against them (us).


Islam is intolerant of criticism and is very sensitive to insults but at the same time hugely insults the Christian religion by stating in the Koran that Jesus is not the son of god, but merely a man and a mortal prophet. (I am not a Christian, by the way)


Islam hates me personally because I have no religion and am therefore considered the most despised of infidel people.


(the antipathy is mutual)


Islam is intolerant of differences of opinion, expansionist and extremely violent to its very roots.


Islam is spiritually shallow. It does not encourage questions about the nature of life and it doesn't ask them; it is overly legalistic with lots of rules and prohibitions.


It demands (and I use this word on purpose) a sort of abject, unquestioning submission.



"Ayatollah Khomeini is reported to have said:


“Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field.


There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious. ...” (Political thought and legacy of Khomeini, Wikipedia, 20 November 2010)"














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Re: Why do people protest about Islam?

I'm going to H-E-double toothpicks cuz...

I ate meat...

in New Hampshire...


On a Friday...

in 1963.





Message 6 of 14
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Re: Why do people protest about Islam?

Community Member
The big three religions all devalue women. Religion is an illogical concept
Message 7 of 14
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Re: Why do people protest about Islam?

"The big three religions all devalue women."


And all three big religions worship the same god.




Makes a person stop to think, doesn't it?


It's a male god made by men for men and it's a violent and vindictive god threatening hellfire for disobedience and promising a reward for obedience. A reward which on examination, looks too good to be true. (there's no paypal chargeback here if the goods are significantly not as described, folks.)


These religions are an oppressive form of social control of people who are frightend by the threats and desirous of the rewards of some sort of continuance of their consciousness after death.


These religions promise us things and make demands upon us.


The demands are very real and exist in this world. The promises are not amenable of confirmation and we are asked to take them on trust.


You'd expect those who preach religion to lead an exemplary life as a sort of message and example and a confirmation of their own faith in what they say.



How many of them do this?



They're just a seemingly never-ending parade of self-interested venal charlatans. Their actions in this world tell us who they really are. and furthermore, they tell us what those people really believe in.





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Re: Why do people protest about Islam?

Community Member

Religion is the opiate of the masses, a tool to subjugate the masses, to control.

Message 9 of 14
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Re: Why do people protest about Islam?

How many Syrian refugees are in Lebanon?


Someone told me the other day that it was 1.2m. I haven't checked  so I don't know if that figure is accurate but it does sound about right,


I do know that refugees are now being stopped from entering Lebanon and are being cared for on the Syrian side of the border.





"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
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