on 11-04-2013 09:58 PM
:_|........I find out all my news on here................why wasn't there a thread telling me Mr Brown's Boys was on tonight.....:_|
Tell me who knew it was one.............so I can cross you off my Christmas card list......:^O
on 12-04-2013 07:11 AM
PARTING COMMENT (in the last episode):
We've passed a lot of water under the bridge
god love her and the character she portrayed
"We've passed a lot of water under the bridge."
on 12-04-2013 07:43 AM
Thank you for the links Viewmont. I never watched the show (I don't think we had TV in our home in those days) but know of it and have heard lots about it.
That last line is a cracker LOL
And now I know where I got the term 'beresk'.:^O
on 12-04-2013 10:46 AM
That show is so funny. Bit hard not to choke laughing when you got a cold though.