Will Work For Dole Work?

The federal government's planned revival of the work-for-the-dole scheme won't help people into jobs and could take jobs from paid workers, critics say.


But the government says it's more concerned with helping the unemployed learn "soft skills" and getting them job-ready.


Under the coalition's planned work-for-the-dole expansion, Newstart recipients will be forced to complete some tasks which may include rubbish collection, park maintenance and gardening and painting at aged care facilities.


The scheme would be compulsory and anyone who refused would lose their Newstart payment.


"We're looking for ways in which we can create more work-like placements, such as placing jobseekers with organisations (like) local councils, where they could work in a team environment with people on various council activities," Assistant Minister for Employment Luke Hartsuyker told AAP on Monday.


While no date has been fixed, the scheme will be operational in the next financial year.


The government will pay "host" organisations to cover the costs of job requirements like workers compensation, health and safety training or police checks.


The Australian Council of Social Services said it was concerned the scheme would require individuals to work below the minimum wage, based on the Newstart rate of $35 a day.


The Australian Services Union said it could put paid workers out of a job if organisations could get free labour under Newstart.

But Mr Hartsuyker says that won't happen.


The scheme would not displace paid work and paid opportunities, he said.


The opposition has slammed the proposal, saying it could increase the unemployment rate.


Labor MP Andrew Leigh said a Melbourne University study conducted under the Howard government showed the scheme didn't help people into jobs.


"It ended up diverting people from job-search activities into work-for-the-dole activities," he said.


Mr Hartsuyker said the government's focus was on getting people into jobs by teaching them "soft skills".


"It's as simple as turning up to work everyday and being appropriately presented."


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I think it's right that ppl should work for the dole. You?

Message 1 of 140
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139 REPLIES 139

Re: Will Work For Dole Work?

@spotweldersfriend wrote:
Another misconception-people on the dole just want to sit around all day and get drunk and stoned.Where do you get your info from,ACA?

There is a suburb down the line from me............where young people want to do just that.......

Message 51 of 140
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Re: Will Work For Dole Work?

While there is a very, very small minority of people of all ages who for various reasons seem satisfied to remain on the below the poverty line welfare payments, they represent such a tiny % of the unemployed that it's hardly worth worrying about.  Would we feel better if all unemployed people were so desperate to find work that more were becoming severely depressed, suffering from other health issues due to the stress and often shame of being out of work - even committing suicide.

It's not as if this tiny minority are living the life of riley, and you certainly can't buy much alcohol or drugs on the dole.

Imagine if your in your 40's, you lose your job, first you have to live off your savings (if you have any) for as long as centrelink decides, when that's all gone, you have to go on welfare - if you have a mortgage - you can probably say bye bye to your home. Doesn't take long before your clothes start to look a little dated, you can't afford your mobile really, the kids are suffering.......you get the rest.

Woman Sad


Message 52 of 140
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Re: Will Work For Dole Work?

@purple_haize wrote:

@freakiness wrote:

@purple_haize wrote:

@boris1gary wrote:

That job find is a rort, unemployed people forced to attend - then forced to sit around using slow computer's to apply for jobs that often don't exist, or even worse - forced to trudge around town going into shop's that aren't employing to ask for a job to be told, oh you have to apply online and i don't think we are taking on anyone at the moment. How humiliating.

Welfare payments need to be increased, can't see it happening.Woman Sad

Boris, you think that welfare payments should be increased.

For the younger ones on the dole, who believe they shouldnt have to work, as the govt. is paying them to do nothing and alot have that attitude, they use their money for drugs, alcohol etc.........do you think their payment should be increased?

After living with a bunch of young people and having young adults myself I can honestly say I don't know any who would rather live on the dole. They like money too much to settle for next to nothing. 

You obviously dont live around where I live..& have lived, the young dont want to work, they are content to live on the dole, as long as they have their money every fortnight to buy what ever they want, they are happy with that............NOT all young ones want a job!

Have you talked to them? 

Do you know how many jobs they've applied for?


They can't buy "whatever they want" because it's just not enough money to buy much at all with.


Yes, there are probably a few who don't want to work but most do want to work and earn a living.

Message 53 of 140
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Re: Will Work For Dole Work?

@freakiness wrote:

@purple_haize wrote:

@freakiness wrote:

@purple_haize wrote:

@boris1gary wrote:

That job find is a rort, unemployed people forced to attend - then forced to sit around using slow computer's to apply for jobs that often don't exist, or even worse - forced to trudge around town going into shop's that aren't employing to ask for a job to be told, oh you have to apply online and i don't think we are taking on anyone at the moment. How humiliating.

Welfare payments need to be increased, can't see it happening.Woman Sad

Boris, you think that welfare payments should be increased.

For the younger ones on the dole, who believe they shouldnt have to work, as the govt. is paying them to do nothing and alot have that attitude, they use their money for drugs, alcohol etc.........do you think their payment should be increased?

After living with a bunch of young people and having young adults myself I can honestly say I don't know any who would rather live on the dole. They like money too much to settle for next to nothing. 

You obviously dont live around where I live..& have lived, the young dont want to work, they are content to live on the dole, as long as they have their money every fortnight to buy what ever they want, they are happy with that............NOT all young ones want a job!

Have you talked to them? 

Do you know how many jobs they've applied for?


They can't buy "whatever they want" because it's just not enough money to buy much at all with.


Yes, there are probably a few who don't want to work but most do want to work and earn a living.

My 20yr old stepson and all his mates, I know them all and they have all said they want to stay on the dole.........If you live in Melbourne you only have to go to Boronia or Belgrave and you can see for yourself......

Message 54 of 140
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Re: Will Work For Dole Work?

thanks lloyds, that's it CES.Woman Happy was wracking my brain and just couldn't remember, bit painful all that wracking.

Message 55 of 140
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Re: Will Work For Dole Work?

Yes there is an insignificant few that probably sustain a life on benefits but they would be marginal. To label an entire generation/s, especially those unfortunate to be currently unemployed, is a bit harsh. It would be like arguing against increased pensions because old people will just spend it on pokies

Message 56 of 140
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Re: Will Work For Dole Work?

@para-sights wrote:

Yes there is an insignificant few that probably sustain a life on benefits but they would be marginal. To label an entire generation/s, especially those unfortunate to be currently unemployed, is a bit harsh. It would be like arguing against increased pensions because old people will just spend it on pokies

I was referring to young ones that live in a couple of suburbs, here in Melbourne, Belgrave is full of hippies, they dont wish to work and prefer to live on the dole.


I have a 20yr old step son, who doesnt work and doesnt wish to and there are lots of them around just like him......

Message 57 of 140
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Re: Will Work For Dole Work?

Well a slight increase in the dole might still be good for the majority that are in between jobs. Just like the wealthy soon to be mothers surving on a min amount of money after just coming off a paid wage will be a hard adjustment

Message 58 of 140
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Re: Will Work For Dole Work?

@purple_haize wrote:

@para-sights wrote:

Yes there is an insignificant few that probably sustain a life on benefits but they would be marginal. To label an entire generation/s, especially those unfortunate to be currently unemployed, is a bit harsh. It would be like arguing against increased pensions because old people will just spend it on pokies

I was referring to young ones that live in a couple of suburbs, here in Melbourne, Belgrave is full of hippies, they dont wish to work and prefer to live on the dole.


I have a 20yr old step son, who doesnt work and doesnt wish to and there are lots of them around just like him......

How much work is available for him?

Does he have a clue what he ultimately wants to do?

Does the area have a high rate of unemployment?

Have they been watching people get retrenched and think there is no hope for them?


Have they been encouraged to look for work or discover what they're interested in doing in the future?

Do they ever want a decent car?

Message 59 of 140
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Re: Will Work For Dole Work?

If any of you saw one of my sons you would probably label him a lay about hippy bludger, based on his appearance and the fact he is often around when most people are in regular work.
He is actually however a part owner of a VERY successful and highly profitable business, who works strange irregular (long) hours
We can't always judge a book by its cover.

Creator of the Most Awesome Thread Topic EVER
Message 60 of 140
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