Will Work For Dole Work?

The federal government's planned revival of the work-for-the-dole scheme won't help people into jobs and could take jobs from paid workers, critics say.


But the government says it's more concerned with helping the unemployed learn "soft skills" and getting them job-ready.


Under the coalition's planned work-for-the-dole expansion, Newstart recipients will be forced to complete some tasks which may include rubbish collection, park maintenance and gardening and painting at aged care facilities.


The scheme would be compulsory and anyone who refused would lose their Newstart payment.


"We're looking for ways in which we can create more work-like placements, such as placing jobseekers with organisations (like) local councils, where they could work in a team environment with people on various council activities," Assistant Minister for Employment Luke Hartsuyker told AAP on Monday.


While no date has been fixed, the scheme will be operational in the next financial year.


The government will pay "host" organisations to cover the costs of job requirements like workers compensation, health and safety training or police checks.


The Australian Council of Social Services said it was concerned the scheme would require individuals to work below the minimum wage, based on the Newstart rate of $35 a day.


The Australian Services Union said it could put paid workers out of a job if organisations could get free labour under Newstart.

But Mr Hartsuyker says that won't happen.


The scheme would not displace paid work and paid opportunities, he said.


The opposition has slammed the proposal, saying it could increase the unemployment rate.


Labor MP Andrew Leigh said a Melbourne University study conducted under the Howard government showed the scheme didn't help people into jobs.


"It ended up diverting people from job-search activities into work-for-the-dole activities," he said.


Mr Hartsuyker said the government's focus was on getting people into jobs by teaching them "soft skills".


"It's as simple as turning up to work everyday and being appropriately presented."


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I think it's right that ppl should work for the dole. You?

Message 1 of 140
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139 REPLIES 139

Will Work For Dole Work?

Well said.  By contributing to this thread, we ALL are showing our concern for the situation.


And that, I think, may close this discussion........for now.



Message 101 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?

"Sometimes I thnk that posters on these boards have sunk as low as humans can go, then along comes a topic like this one, where without fail, and allowing for a diversity of opinion, posters have an in depth discussion without name calling, or getting personal

It seems that every poster is trying to find a solution to an overwhelming problem. I really hope that someone in or out of government can come up with a viable solution that satisfies both those concerned about the amount of tax they pay and those who receive it, but at the same time have a right to some dignity and respect. Perhaps it is an impossible task"




*Stands and applauds Jean*

Message 102 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?

@boris1gary wrote:

The other thing about TAFE courses, the last one my son did, he lost $160 (approx)  a fortnight from his dole, hardly an incentive.

I'm sorry, I don't know how it all works, I just know that the two elder Crikey Kinder got to do some whilst at school, in Live Production (so light and sound and stuff for shows and musicals and concerts) and Hospitality. Both kids get a fair bit of csual work from their Live Production Certs (Big C has Cert IV, MC only has Cert III atm, but is working on upgrading that atm) - not constant, but as they're still at school/uni, it's enough.So I was thinking of something like those I guess. I know there were others available, I just don't know what they were cos we didn't do em LOL.


There must be others too, was just a thought for a way for people to become retrained if they need to.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 103 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

But what if "work for the dole" included courses, perhaps recognized ones at places like TAFE? Certificate III's or IVs is under resourced fields?



In theory that sounds good - in practice it is pie in the sky.


Many years ago now, the  TAFE College where Mr Elephant worked ran a Government sponsored "Foundation For employment" Scheme.


It was cobbled together, not around the real needs of the young unemployed, but around which lecturers had empty spots in their timetables and what subjects they were qualified to teach. It acheived absolutely nothing apart from making the unemployment figures look better. 

so maybe it coiuold be restructured and overhauled? I don't know?


But there seems to be a fair few incidences of people either needing some skills or to get new ones.


I'm all for "work for the dole and other benefits" were possible, but I don't agree with delegating them solely to the "menial tasks "forever". Nothing wrong with it every now and then (even Warrick Capper was a Stop and Go man" for a while when things were slim, so I don't think it hurts people to do menial jobs iykwim, but I don't bel;ieve they should be given work for work's sake, they should get opportunities to learn new skills or build on current ones.


Or even if it's teaching woodwork and basic maintenance skills to kids at the PCYC or school - I reckon there would be a lot of kids these days who wouldn't know how to change a washer or build some basic shelves or prepare and paint a wall iykwim.


Everyone has something to give and share with others.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 104 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?

@jean2579 wrote:

Sometimes I thnk that posters on these boards have sunk as low as humans can go, then along comes a topic like this one, where without fail, and allowing for a diversity of opinion, posters have an in depth discussion without name calling, or getting personal

It seems that every poster is trying to find a solution to an overwhelming problem. I really hope that someone in or out of government can come up with a viable solution that satisfies both those concerned about the amount of tax they pay and those who receive it, but at the same time have a right to some dignity and respect. Perhaps it is an impossible task.

Nothing is impossible. It just means no one has thought of a solution yet.


But if a person has dignity and self respect, then I reckon half their battle is already won.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 105 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?

I have a novel idea, why not ask people who have done previous WFD programs what they think?


Or how about ask the unemployed what they think should be done?


I find it insulting that people who think they know best about this particular subject, have never actually suffered the indignity of being on the dole

Message 106 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?

I haven't read one positive thing about this scheme in the past.  Studies have shown where work for the dole has been implemented it has not resulted in better outcomes in terms of employment.  The scheme in its current form doesn't work. So the issue becomes what can we implement that does work.  I think instead of the government planing a costly scheme that will clearly not work they need to focus on job creation and manufacturing in this country.


Education in itself is not the key although helpful you'd be suprised at how many people with degrees work at the pie factory or other menial jobs so the more you are educated doesn't necessarily ensure it will create job openings.


I think what will work is workplace subsidy's designed to give our young people experience in an industry and more apprenticeship places.  On the news the other night I heard a minister (can't remember who) who thought that the unemployed needed literacy classes and couldn't write a resume, while for some that may certainly be the case and needs addressing I don't believe that's the case for all. 


Years ago my OH attended a workways or similar  program which included writing a resume (although he already had a perfectly good resume) and filling out a form to determine which field he would be suited to him career wise.  He went to this course for 8 weeks I believe only to be told at the end that sorry no funding for you we can't help. 


Another words it was useless, yet these agencies are getting thousands to implement pathetic courses that really aren't useful for the majority.  The government has wasted thousands if not millions of dollars on pointless, meaningless schemes to appease the higher end of society who thinks people should work for $2 a day.


I'm not buying it and in time to come if this is implemented I believe it will be a huge failure. However if they sit down and  come up with something that treats people with dignity while teaching them respect, ie job placements etc then it will be well worth it.  I don't however think that unemployment is the issue this government makes it out to be in the whole scheme of things.

Message 107 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?

Apologies happyroo, I  didn't intend to insult you or anyone else, I did read your other post's and i think i answered one of them. Personally i think WFD programmes are simply a way of shifting the blame onto the unemployed,  i think we can train and retrain as much as we like but in the end all that we will have is highly trained unemployed people. Anway you have probably already read all the posts so i am just repeating myself.

What do you think?



Message 108 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?

In fifty years of oserving the ups and downs of the Australian ecomomy I have noticed one phenomenon that holds true no matter which side of politics is in power - the harder it is to get a job, the harder the Government makse it get unemployment benefits.

Message 109 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?

i can not believe the amount of snobbery on this thread.

We are close to being broke as my OH is out of work (no fault of his own) and doesnt want the dole due to the stimga of it. 

Up until I read this thread I thought he was nuts, now i see it.

If you are on the dole you are a drug taking smoking alco....

Some people need to get off their high horse and see the world for what it really is


"go see this suburb, you will understand what Im saying"

We have lived in a low socio-economic area, OH has worked non stop since he was 14 but now he is unable to he is lumped in a dole bludger category? He has an appointment with them on friday just so we can continue to make ends meet.


So thank you to all you judging others without knowing the history of people. you have made sure the stigma of welfare is alive and well

Message 110 of 140
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