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Wind Farms

Would you mind living under one? If yes why?

Do you know anyone that does live close to one? Any stories?


Many are approved for around this area. I've heard them click click clicking around Cape Nelson not sure I'd like to live under that

Message 1 of 44
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Wind Farms

@cosmosgrove wrote:

@freakiness wrote:

I think they look quite majestic and peaceful. Much more pleasant the plumes of smog.


The one near here has made a huge difference to the quality of our electricity service. 

We used to get brown outs and black outs frequently and don't anymore. 

I haven't heard any of the people who live on the farms complain about them.

 I actually don't mind the look of them either. How large are the ones near you? The ones down here are very large and the next lot they are planning are even bigger again.

large. not sure how large.  on the back of a truck they are huge pieces.

Alan Jones is one of the main stirrers against them. When he took an anti wind farm protest to Canberra hardly anyone turned up. 

The anti anti wind farm rally had heaps more in attendance.


Message 21 of 44
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Wind Farms

From the above article:

"Many of the problems are those which affect large proportions of any community: hypertension (high blood pressure); mental health problems; sleeping difficulties; sensory problems (eyes, hearing, balance); and learning and concentration difficulties. Every day many hundreds of Australians receive their first diagnosis with these problems, and most live nowhere near wind farms.

In this sense, โ€œwind turbine syndromeโ€  is what we can call a โ€œcommunicatedโ€ disease: it spreads via the nocebo effect by being talked about, and is thereby a strong candidate for being defined as a psychogenic condition."


In one stage we lived directly on the cliff above the ocean and in rough weather some people who visited found the sound of the waves breaking below and sound of the wind quite disconcerting, to the point of giving them a headache, and/or insomnia.   I was so used to it I did not hear it.  Just as I do not hear the goods train that goes every night about 1am (unless I am still up), but used to hear it when I first moved in here 15 years ago; it would wake me up every night.

Interestingly, these detrimental health effect were not reported anywhere else, and in countries like Danemark wind farms have been operating for decades, and some are much closer to dwellings than here.  I think the problem is that people in Australian rural communities are used to silence. 


I think the turbines are beautiful, considerably more attractive than other structures.  And no you would not want to be nearby if something would fall off, but that is why they are built in paddocks.   And in reply to  cosmosgrove wind farms are not heavily subsidised, while brown coal definitely is very heavily subsidised.


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 23 of 44
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Wind Farms

Hey where's nevs post? I was going to come back and accept it as a solution


mods you pulled the solution to my thread!

Message 24 of 44
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Wind Farms

I'm by no means an expert on wind farms and being a bit of a greenie I want them to be a practical alternative. I just read what goes in our local papers and have spoken to people both for and against them. As I said there is plenty of information both for and against windfarms, we could sit here googling opposing sides of both stories all day but I've got things to do and doubt that it would achieve much anyway.


But this is an interesting article also and worth reading right through.


The figures are mind-boggling. Each of those turbines will cost about $3 million, which means $30 billion even before you've started building the power lines. And where's this money coming from? The consumer, of course -- mostly via tariffs whacked on to the price of conventional, fossil-fuel energy prices, in the form of payouts called Renewable Energy Certificates.

Note that wind turbines produce very little power. Because wind is intermittent, they operate at between one-fifth and one-third of their capacity, meaning they are erratic, unreliable and have to be fully backed up by conventional "black" (mostly coal-fuelled) power. Where the money is to be made is through the REC subsidy. A 3MW wind turbine that generates (at most) $150,000 worth of electricity a year is eligible for guaranteed subsidies of $500,000 a year. A ridgeline hosting 20 or 30 turbines generates very little power -- but an awful lot of free cash for those lucky enough to get their snouts in the trough.

Message 25 of 44
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Wind Farms

cosmosgrove we thought we might like to buy in Evansford but there's heaps of wind farms there and more coming so we'll give that a miss.



Message 26 of 44
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Wind Farms

I'm not sure if that link works correctly, when i click on it it doesn't take me to the complete story, it wants me to log in. Anyway this is the copy/paste below for anyone who wants to read it.


Wind farm scam a huge cover-up
  • ONE of the great popular misconceptions about climate-change sceptics such as Ian Plimer, Bob Carter, Cardinal George Pell and me is that we're all Big-Oil-funded, Gaia-ravaging, nature-hating emissaries of Satan. We can't look at a lovely pristine beach, apparently, without praying for a nice, juicy oil slick to turn up and wipe out all the pelicans and turtles and sea otters.

But this isn't actually true. I love our beautiful planet at least as much as your $180,000-a-year (for a three-day week) climate commissioner Tim Flannery does. One of my great heroes is Patrick Moore, the Canadian co-founder of Greenpeace with whose sensible, rational approach to environmental issues I agree 100 per cent. Another of my heroes, after an article headlined "Where eagles dare not fly" in The Weekend Australian on April 21, is this newspaper's environment editor Graham Lloyd.


It took great courage for Lloyd to write up his expose of the tremendous damage being caused by a wind farm to a small community in Waterloo, north of Adelaide. Most newspaper environment editors -- from Australia to Britain and the US -- tend, unfortunately, to be so ideologically wedded to the supposed virtues of renewable energy they find it all but impossible to criticise it.


Lloyd interviewed a number of victims whose lives had been ruined by the vast, swooshing wind towers looking over their homes. They found sleep almost impossible; they couldn't concentrate; they had night sweats, headaches, palpitations, heart trouble. Their chickens were laying eggs without yolks; their ewes were giving birth to deformed lambs; their once-active dogs spent their days staring blankly at the wall. The damage, it seems, is caused not so much by the noise you can hear but by what you can't hear: the infrasonic waves that attack the balance mechanism in the ear and against which not even home insulation can defend you. Its effects can be felt more than 10km away.


Inspired by Lloyd's article, I went to investigate and was heartbroken by what I found. Until you've seen what it can do to people, it's easy to dismiss wind turbine syndrome as a hypochondriac's charter or an urban myth. But it's real all right. Waterloo felt like a ghost town: shuttered houses and a dust-blown aura of sinister unease, as in a horror movie when something dreadful has happened to a previously ordinary, happy settlement and at first you're not sure what. Then you look up on to the horizon and see them, turning slowly in the breeze . . .


Even more shocking than this, though, were my discoveries about the finance arrangements and behaviour of the wind farm companies. What we have here, I believe, is the biggest and most outrageous public affairs scandal of the 21st century -- one in which the Gillard government is implicated and that far exceeds in seriousness and scope of the Slipper or Thomson sideshows.

At the heart of this scandal are the union superannuation funds that are using the wind farm scam as a kind of government-endorsed Ponzi scheme to fill their coffers at public expense. One of the biggest wind farm developers -- Pacific Hydro -- is owned by the union superfund Members Equity Bank. To meet its carbon reduction quotas, we're told, Australia needs to build about 10,000 new wind turbines like the ones that have destroyed Waterloo (and dozens of communities like it from NSW to South Australia).


The figures are mind-boggling. Each of those turbines will cost about $3 million, which means $30 billion even before you've started building the power lines. And where's this money coming from? The consumer, of course -- mostly via tariffs whacked on to the price of conventional, fossil-fuel energy prices, in the form of payouts called Renewable Energy Certificates.


Note that wind turbines produce very little power. Because wind is intermittent, they operate at between one-fifth and one-third of their capacity, meaning they are erratic, unreliable and have to be fully backed up by conventional "black" (mostly coal-fuelled) power. Where the money is to be made is through the REC subsidy. A 3MW wind turbine that generates (at most) $150,000 worth of electricity a year is eligible for guaranteed subsidies of $500,000 a year. A ridgeline hosting 20 or 30 turbines generates very little power -- but an awful lot of free cash for those lucky enough to get their snouts in the trough.


If the unions were merely exploiting government environmental legislation to milk the taxpayer it would be bad enough: but what makes the wind farm scam so scandalous are the public health issues. Why aren't we more aware of these? Because there have been cover-ups on an epic scale. The owners on whose land the turbines are built are subject to rigorous gagging orders (from law firms such as Julia Gillard's ex-company, Slater & Gordon); tame experts are paid huge sums to testify that there are no health implications; inquiries are rigged; victims are rehoused and silenced with million-dollar payoffs. The global wind farm industry -- a cash cow for everyone from Labor's unions to the mafia -- is so massive it can afford it.


Meanwhile the rest of us lose. Communities are divided, landscapes blighted, birds and bats sliced and diced, property values destroyed, lives ruined to deal with a "problem" -- anthropogenic CO2 causing "global warming" -- which most current evidence tells us doesn't even exist.


As a NSW sheep farmer fighting tooth and nail to stop a wind farm development near his beloved home told me the other day in trenchant style: "The wind-farm business is bloody well near a pedophile ring. They're f . . king our families and knowingly doing so."

James Delingpole's Killing the Earth to Save It (How Environmentalists are Ruining the Planet, Destroying the Economy and Stealing Your Jobs) is out now (Connor Court Publishing).

Message 27 of 44
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Wind Farms

The UK has gone heavily into wind power for the future and as a result the people have been warned to expect brownouts... 


The wind turbines have turned out to produce less power than anticipated and will not be able to meet the growing demand that the UK is expecting. If we are not careful then we will head in that direction too. 


As for the effect of wind turbines on peoples health I would expect to not be able to live near one... I am extremely sensitive to noises that other people can't hear. I can't sleep against a wall with water pipes running through them. Some people are sensitive to those sort of things. I have returned many clock radios that have noises emitting from them that wake me up during the night. 


I also think they look very ugly in the landscape, they ruin a beautiful view of stunning vistas. Others think they look wonderful but I can't see how concrete and steel monstrosities make any location look better. 


Some do look fantastic in certain locations and I think putting them out at sea is so much better than putting them on land. 


This is really sad... to see beautiful bird die.

Message 28 of 44
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Wind Farms

They definitely look better than the ugly monstrosity of coal powered power stations and I'd bet they kill more birds & other animals than a wind farm ever could. They destroy environments.
Message 29 of 44
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Wind Farms

Coal powered stations actually don't pollute... they give off steam. they don't kill birds. 

Message 30 of 44
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