Wind Farms

Would you mind living under one? If yes why?

Do you know anyone that does live close to one? Any stories?


Many are approved for around this area. I've heard them click click clicking around Cape Nelson not sure I'd like to live under that

Message 1 of 44
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Wind Farms

Thanks catmad I don't think I'll open that link then 😞

Message 31 of 44
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Wind Farms

Catmad--the brown powdery deposits on my outside window ledges

are not from bird pooh or steam.

Live between -Yallourn-Hazelwood and Loy Yang power stations..............Richo.

Message 32 of 44
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Wind Farms

@catmad*2013 wrote:

Coal powered stations actually don't pollute... they give off steam. they don't kill birds. 

LOL, you must be joking, brown coal powered power stations are the most polluting option; they emit carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulates, volatile organics and heavy metals, notably mercury.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 33 of 44
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Wind Farms

Wind farm sickness: anedcotes versus evidence

segment of article:

Anti-wind lobby groups (such as the Waubra Foundation, headed by ex-GP Sarah Laurie) travel to communities facing wind farm developments, and present direct testimony from individuals attributing a range of symptoms to the presence of wind turbines. Anecdotal evidence is their key instrument in spreading fear of wind energy.

This is stated explicitly by Peter Quinn, a South Australian barrister who regularly represents anti-wind lobby groups:

"That experience is in itself, evidence. If you dragged in thirty people from Waubra, twenty from Waterloo and put them in a court room, to talk about the loss and the suffering, it will support a claim to obtain an injunction against any wind farm being proposed"

The implication is quite clear - anecdotal reports and emotional recitations are powerful tools in the fight against wind farm developments. Consequently, a large number of claimed health impacts, attributed to wind turbines, exist in the public domain.

Chapman began compiling these symptoms in early 2012. His list grew rapidly - it currently numbers 216, and features a bewildering array of symptoms, involving adults, children, cattle, sheep, chicken, dogs, peacocks, cats, pigs, earthworms, crabs, goats, crickets and horses (pdf).

These symptoms are collectively referred to as "Wind Turbine Syndrome" (WTS), originally coined by Nina Pierpont (a paediatrician married to an anti-wind activist). It has become the fundamental claim of groups working to stifle the development of renewables in Australia.

The 'disease' is not recognised by any medical authority in the world. It is purportedly caused by infrasonic (less than 20 Hz) noise from wind turbines. The South Australian Environmental Protection Agency recently measured levels of infrasound near wind farms(pdf), and compared them to rural and urban environments. Wind farms had some of the lowest recorded levels in their study. Some of the highest levels of infrasound were recorded inside the EPA's office in Adelaide.

Importantly, research conducted by Professor Simon Chapman of Sydney University seems to show that complaints of ill-health seem to cluster around wind farms that have been subject to the presence of anti-wind lobbyists.

Anti-wind groups happily embrace the improbable claims that surround wind energy. In a submission to the NSW Planning Minister, Laurie wrote that "rapid fluctuations in barometric pressure" can "perceptibly rock stationary cars even further than a kilometre from the nearest turbine". No source is given for the information.

Under oath in the Environment, Resources and Development Court, she claimed that wind turbines can cause "lip vibration" 10 kilometres away. The source was anedoctes from local people who believe themselves to be suffering 'wind turbine syndrome'.

These are not diagnoses borne of scientific rigour. The grandiosity of the purported impacts of wind turbines are a consequence of over-reliance on personal testimony, combined with an apparent aversion to objective analysis.


Message 34 of 44
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Wind Farms

Supa Nova--besides the emitions from the power stations-on windy days

the coal dust blows out of the open cut mines and covers everything in sight.

At one power station the workers who park in the company

car park get car wash vouchers as part of their package.

Message 35 of 44
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Wind Farms

catmad, Coal powered stations do kill birds... and koalas... and any other species that relies on the environment where COAL is dug up. Burning coal is dirty, it pollutes and it's one of the most damaging things for our atmosphere.
Message 36 of 44
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Wind Farms

@catmad*2013 wrote:

Coal powered stations actually don't pollute... they give off steam. they don't kill birds. 

thats gotta be one for the chuckle store



is it there yet? goes to look--->

Signatures suck.
Message 37 of 44
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Wind Farms

a couple on tv interviewed years ago were in great distress over the sound affects those wind turbines made, drove them mad, and they couldnt move away from it either - who'd buy  their property? so it virtually rendered their property worthless too.


and i dont think theyre a great power source solution, what happens if theres no wind?


i like the idea of thermal solar power plants - stores energy   

Signatures suck.
Message 38 of 44
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Wind Farms

oodles of them around Bellingen Dorrigo and Buccrabendinni. Had some to bits to replace bearings... The popular one is mounted on a trailer.... You can buy smaller ones for nix to operate pumps etc in  remote areas where fossil fueled pumps are normally the only option.


A popular do it yourself one starts life as a fisher and paykel washing machine with a 44 gallon drum split into two bits welded onto the shaft


, The unique nature of where the F and P electric motor is situated lends itself to be modified for use as a wind driven power generator.



They sort of look like the discontinued 50 watt model on the link


search on ebay


Wind Turbine 1000 W 24V (without mast)


Honestly when the Noreaster blows off the coast and into the bush in Summertime you are lucky to hear a helicopter hovering above your house


....let alone a wind turbine...


Comet windmills a local company (Macksville) are working on a prototype that integrates a water pump and the generation of power from one single system using both wind and solar collection.


I know Lyall and I have worked for his brother who owned a large engineering business situated next to the windmill business........ He has a vision and has exported these all over Asia


Message 39 of 44
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Wind Farms

So I guess my point is....windmills in one form or another have been around for 100s of years.... it is only lately that  it is claimed they


are hooked to more health problems than smoking and alcohol combined.....: smileyindifferent




Message 40 of 44
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