Woman killed, police attacked by dog in Canberra

Woman killed, police attacked by dog in Canberra




i'll never understand the popularity of owning an animal that has a reputation for going crazy and injuring or killing not only strangers but owners.


i am not saying all pitbull dogs are like that, but i do know when i see a headline 'dog attack' before i even read it my mind thinks 'pitbull' its not allways the case as any dog can attack given the right circumstances.


but any dog owner knows if their dog has a 'mean bone' in their body. even people who will say 'oh my dog would never' if being honest will know if their dog has at some point snapped, growled or attacked.


i have a grehound, hes never shown any sign of aggression, but can i gaurantee he wouldnt chase, attack, kill? i can't say he wouldnt, so he is NEVER off leash outside my house.


but when we are out on our walks, we do come across people with dogs that even at 50 mtres away become agressive, pull at the lead trying to get to my dog (who is wagging his tail and would love to say hello but does not pull)


luckily so far we have never had a dog charge us off lead. but we have had a dog who showed no agression until he was sniffing foos nose then he lept forward to bite, but both myself and the other owner were quick to pull back.avoinding contact. foo was very perplexed by the sudden agression.



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