Women's rights under islamic and Sharia law

Community Member

Do  women's have rights under islamic law and sharia law


Seems women have near zero and below zero rights under islamic and sharia law





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Re: Women's rights under islamic and Sharia law

Every religion has barbaric undertones, it;s how the individual decides to interpret these teachings that divides them, The majority simply does not cause harm and a small take it as a sometimes dangerous cause celebre. There are numerous Muslems living in the West with no malice or manolevant intentions. However in parts of the world there is always barbaric acts from Islam to witchcraft to ethnic cleansing. We might as well say Australia is as dangerous and deranged as America as we are heavily influenced by them.

Message 21 of 29
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Re: Women's rights under islamic and Sharia law

@iapetus_rocks wrote:

Just to clarify. I am on the "left"; I'm one of those far-leftists who would like to see all religion abolished, though not by decree, but by a natural falling away from the dark side, as it were. 😉


Just because I oppose Islam, don't mistake me for being right-wing. I oppose everything which acts to enslave and exploit people.

I too pray for the end of all religion.... Smiley Tongue

Message 22 of 29
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Re: Women's rights under islamic and Sharia law

@idlewhile wrote:

I am not moaning and I am entitled to post on here without getting insults from you saying move on, your tickets ready.



I'm not telling you to move on. I'm pointing out that ranting about Sharia law here is a waste of time - we don't live under Sharia law in Australia. If you feel so strongly about it, put your courage where your mouth is and go and rant in Saudi Arabia. Or maybe try Bangladesh, they have a female Prime Minister therer- I'm sure she'd listen to you.

Message 23 of 29
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Re: Women's rights under islamic and Sharia law

There is certainly a lot which is deranged and dangerous in our Western "democracy" cultures.


Most of these dangers exist because the people; the voters; don't really understand what is going on around them, and they continue to vote for and to support deranged and dangerous politicians whose very best skill is in their ability to lie to us and to cover up their real intentions and their real loyalties.



Message 24 of 29
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Re: Women's rights under islamic and Sharia law

The only ranting on here is from you along with your insults and snipes.


You have  been on these boards for a very long time,  maybe too long, its time you moved on and  got another interest instead of what you participate in on here.


Its not polite to tell members to get lost to go back to where you came from, in fact its  racist and bigoted.



Message 25 of 29
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Re: Women's rights under islamic and Sharia law


Message 26 of 29
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Re: Women's rights under islamic and Sharia law

Its not polite to tell members to get lost to go back to where you came from, in fact its  racist and bigoted


I didn't suggest you go back to anywhere - unless of course  you originally came here from  Saudi Arabia or Bangladesh.  I merely suggested your criticism of Sharia Law and  championing of the rights of Muslim women would be more effective if done in one of those countries.

Message 27 of 29
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Re: Women's rights under islamic and Sharia law

Let's just be careful not to champion the cause of Islam in Australia so much that it gains concessions from our govt which acts to restrict the rights of women.



Shariah law. People can already leave in their will, one half to their women and a full share to their menfolk.


so long as no one objects.


People can already divorce and leave their female partner with a Shariah-compliant settlement . . . so long as no involved party objects.


A person can lend money to another with no interest payable.


These are personal arrangements made personally, and so long as no one objects, they can have the force of law.



So why the calls for the introduction of  shariah-compliant law when it is not neccessary?


It's important to champion the rights of women in this country so that a possible introduction of some parts of Shariah law never ever evenuates here.


Some arrangements people can make for themselves (all parties being in agreement)


No sane woman in Australia is going to advocate the introduction of laws which would limit her rights.


But religion is not about rational thought and sanity, is it? it's about the wishful thinking that some imaginary friend in the sky; some sort of sky pixie is going to have an individual concern about what we as individuals, do.



Verily, that way lies madness.











Message 28 of 29
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Re: Women's rights under islamic and Sharia law

@idlewhile wrote:

hear hear, but you will never stop the left from comparing the enlightened  Christian doctrine, our separation of powers, (church and state) for those who dont know this,  and our freedom in a western culture  to the unenlightened barbaric teachings  that is islam.

Is there such a beast?




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