Yesterday I sewed my finger onto an apron

and today when I took the bandaid off there was a pink thread poking out of my finger 

so I pulled it and now my finger is bleeding and hurting



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Re: Yesterday I sewed my finger onto an apron


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Re: Yesterday I sewed my finger onto an apron

We had a saying in the rag were never a real sewer unless you had sewn your finger.


Sequins were a health hazard to the eyes ๐Ÿ˜ž Many times one of us would have a sequin fly up after sewing over one.

Message 3 of 39
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Re: Yesterday I sewed my finger onto an apron

Lol! Yes I have done that plenty of times. I did it last week when sewing a school uniform hem.


I suppose that's why they invented those annoying little things called thimbles...

Message 4 of 39
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Re: Yesterday I sewed my finger onto an apron

Lol! Yes I have done that plenty of times. I did it last week when sewing a school uniform hem.


I suppose that's why they invented those annoying little things called thimbles...


No, those were invented so you didn't hurt your finger when hand sewing.. 


OH thinks they're just replacements for Monopoly pieces


You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means
Message 5 of 39
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Re: Yesterday I sewed my finger onto an apron

Well, that's just freaky! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Message 6 of 39
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Re: Yesterday I sewed my finger onto an apron

๐Ÿ˜ฎ I have never sewn mine to anything.... I would have passed out.

Message 7 of 39
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Re: Yesterday I sewed my finger onto an apron

Lol! Yes I have done that plenty of times. I did it last week when sewing a school uniform hem.


I suppose that's why they invented those annoying little things called thimbles...


It was the wrong finger for a thimble.

I'm not sure how but I managed to sew the left ring finger to an apron that was for a wedding today.

To make it worse when I took my foot off the pedal the machine has an auto needle down function so it went in again..... I had to press a buttong to make it come out so it had 2 stitches through it in the end.... I just cut all the threads.... the needle didn't break..... I finished off the aprons with same needle    :^O

Message 8 of 39
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Re: Yesterday I sewed my finger onto an apron


Message 9 of 39
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Re: Yesterday I sewed my finger onto an apron

Our boss had the pliers on his desk ready to pull broken needles out....when I think of this it it makes me shudder. No health and safety back then lol

Message 10 of 39
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