on 12-06-2013 06:28 PM
I like warm and dry. I don't mind if it's sunny or overcast. I don't mind about humidity.
I do NOT like rain, snow, sleet, frost, fog, black ice, and all those horrible things.
on 13-06-2013 01:40 AM
I love early autumn and late spring.
Don't like cold, it kills my back...but I love being able to wear thick jumpers and leggins.
Hate humidity. I don't mind hot days, it is the humidity that I can't stand. I find it hard to breath and actually cough lots...probably the moisture going to my lungs.
on 13-06-2013 09:30 AM
Mid to high 20s/low 30s with a very light breeze and virtually no humidity. That's perfect for me. It can rain overnight if it wants to.
on 13-06-2013 09:36 AM
I hope survived your thunderstorm OK last night Katy, Our deluge never eventuated, not yet anyway,
on 13-06-2013 10:09 AM
Everything, I didn't used to understand why people complained about the humidity ... I didn't notice it ... I didn't even know what it was. Now I know what it is and I like it. I love wearing shorts, t-shirt and a pair of thongs.
Thank you, Debra, I did survive and today,
The sun is shining,
The sky is blue
The door is open
And fresh air's coming through 🙂
Kookaburras are laughing in the distance ... they make such a cheerful sound.
Another thing I didn't used to know about is SAD ... I get depressed when it rains for days.
on 13-06-2013 10:12 AM
good Katy and lucky you, we have dreary, overcast, and wet again today :^O
on 13-06-2013 10:21 AM
As soon as I read that, the sun clouded over, lol.
I hope it's just temporary ... if it's not I'm going back to bed with salt and vinegar chips, a packet of lollies and a good book.
on 13-06-2013 10:31 AM
I like the cooler weather. love Tasmanian summers. Hate humidity. Grew up in North Queensland and it never worried me. Now I sweat on any day over 20 in Queensland. We will be back in the cold of Tasmania in August.
on 13-06-2013 10:32 AM
Waves to Katy.
on 13-06-2013 10:46 AM
Waving back at Purple 🙂
I arrived in Tasmania about New Year's Eve ... ok, it WAS early in the morning, but I hadn't bought any jackets or coats or anything WARM. God, it was COLD.
Tasmania in August??? Brass monkey weather 😉
I'm retiring to Brisbane ... somewhere on a hill.
on 13-06-2013 10:56 AM
"I do NOT like rain, snow, sleet, frost, fog, black ice, and all those horrible things."
I do, I really do, I hate the heat. Mind you a nice clear, sunny day about 22 degrees is good.