on 29-04-2013 01:56 PM
I heard Tony Windsor this morning talking about the idea of a referendum on gay marriage.
Would you vote for or against gay marriage if it was an option in September's election?
on 29-04-2013 01:58 PM
Ooooooooooooooooooooooh, that 100% looks real nice 🙂
on 29-04-2013 01:59 PM
Uh ... it DID :^O
on 29-04-2013 02:10 PM
6 votes...
33% for
67% against.
This actually suprises me. I voted for. 🙂
I have absolutley nothing against gay people, gay rights or gay marriage. Love is love.
I would be interested to know why the against voters are against gay marriage though! 😉
on 29-04-2013 02:22 PM
on 29-04-2013 02:23 PM
I agree, Jane, I'd like to know, too. But, it's early days yet.
I'd like to see gays having absolutely equal rights to straights. I don't see how gay marriage could harm anybody else.
on 29-04-2013 02:23 PM
it's beyond me how you could be against it unless it was compulsory.
Well, that gave me a laugh.
on 29-04-2013 02:33 PM
I just voted (For) and I couldn't believe the results - seriously, 56% against?
I just don't understand why folks would be against two people who love each other and are committed to a life-time together wanting to marry. Why would you want to deny them that? Who is it hurting?
on 29-04-2013 02:39 PM
Well apparently it means next stop is {the word ebay won't let me use but it means loving animals} :^O 😐
I voted FOR and I'm proud to say it.
on 29-04-2013 02:40 PM
Oh, and that :^O was meant to be 😮