Your Say on Gay Marriage

I heard Tony Windsor this morning talking about the idea of a referendum on gay marriage.


Would you vote for or against gay marriage if it was an option in September's election?  

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Re: Your Say on Gay Marriage

Everything, most of the legislation proposed and passed (across the world), says that a civil (ie not religious) marriage will be legal (just as is for straights now), and that it would be up to the individual churches to decide if they will perform religious ceremonies for gays.  


It still has NOTHING to do with the churches.


Churches do not pass legislation.


Most of the gay couples I know don't care about the church supporting their rights (although for some it would be a nice thing to have). They only care about their legal rights and the right to be  treated equally.


Message 111 of 120
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Re: Your Say on Gay Marriage

Martini, I think it does have something to do with the churches.  


Two main reasons:


Part of what the church does for followers of the religion is to guide the congregation what to do morally.  I was brought up in the Catholic faith and it certainly does preach/teach what to do and not do in your life.  The leadership of the Catholic Church is against gay marriage.  Now, I disagree with their stance, but I have to uphold their right to preach about it and hope that their attitude will change in the future.  


Secondly, the churches are heavily into national politics.  Today, for example, some church based charities were part of a group that signed an open letter to the government asking for unemployment benefits to be increased.


And, I absolutely agree with them.  What they are doing is trying to influence government policy and they have been doing this for years with some success.  


So, no, they don't pass legislation, but they do have an impact on what legislation the government passes.  


And, as several members of Parliament are also religious, their backgrounds and beliefs also  have an influence on how some MPs vote.  




















Message 112 of 120
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Re: Your Say on Gay Marriage

Just to clarify...I no longer identify myself as Catholic. I am Christian, non-denominational.

From a Biblical point of view, the Bible is against same sex union. But the Bible also tells us not to judge others.

If any one of my gay friends or relatives were able to be married, I would happily attend and support them. It is not for me to judge them or their relationship. I would be happy that they have found someone that makes them happy.

Message 113 of 120
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Re: Your Say on Gay Marriage

Community Member


I don't think contraception is a good example.  Catholicism is one branch of Christianity that has strict rules about birth control.  You will find that most Christian denominations and other religions do not have strong views on the issue.  Homosexuality on the other hand, goes against most major religions' teachings therefore it will be used in discussions like this as a justification to oppose same sex marriage. 

Message 114 of 120
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Re: Your Say on Gay Marriage

Community Member

Personally, I find myself in a similar position as Trish and I couldn't vote either.   I have my personal religious beliefs which I do not think should be imposed on others.

Message 115 of 120
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Re: Your Say on Gay Marriage

Tony windsor/oakshot and the greens are just a bunch of communists-these communists want to destroy families and the concept of family and this sort of thing is one step to achieving their outcomes as well as the destruction of morality.

The greens hate families and the concept of family-destroy the institution of marriage and you are on the way to destroying families and the concept of family-they want a communist utopia and they will achieve this under a false banner of 'Human rights'

In my opinion this sort of thing is one degree away from the legalisation of pedophilia.

I'm not religious at all but check out the thinking catholic strategic center for some excellent viewpoints on this whole minority issue.

The greens will push these sort of relationships as environmentally friendly(no natural reproduction-no population increase)

Anything in the name of love eh!


oh dear....  ignorance at its fullest. Its thinking like ^^ that, that makes my mind go WTF???


The destruction of morality? really?  will you put that into a basket along with teenage single mothers, drug users, prostitutes, abortion clinics, divorcees and the like?  for goodness sake. Same Sex Marriage can not possibly have any further indentation towards the destruction of morality, as MORALITY is in the eye of ones own opinion! Society does not dictate morality. We are not living in the dark ages anymore. Perhaps its your own self importance and self righteousness that leans you towards a claim of morality!

Destroy the institution of marriage- Pfft, oh please! straight hetrosexual couples have been destroying the instution of marriage ever since the very first marriage certificate was signed! Next!!

one degree away from the legalisation of pedophilia. - And there it is! YOUR COMPLETE AND UTTER UNEDUCATED, ILL INFORMED, MISLEADING AND IGNORANT MISGIVINGS  to the fullest!

Im not religious but  GOD FORBID any of your offspring be gay!


Your comments are an insult to civil humanity!

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Message 116 of 120
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Re: Your Say on Gay Marriage

I voted for...however, it was because I am not against it........ not necessarily for it either... just wanted to see the poll result.

I think... it makes no difference to me or my beliefs if someone wants to be married, regardless of their preferences in a partner.

Not a religious question in any way, imo.

The question was asked.... for reasons, for being against...and some gave them, so better not to be so judgmental or scathing of those brave enough to say why.

Message 117 of 120
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Re: Your Say on Gay Marriage

Community Member

As the discussion progresses, it will become more and more clear why people prefer to remain anonymous.



Where is Kilroy?  I have always enjoyed his contributions to discussions such as this.












Message 118 of 120
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Re: Your Say on Gay Marriage

I'm all for gay marriage.  I don't see why they can't suffer matrimony like the rest of us. 😄

Message 119 of 120
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Re: Your Say on Gay Marriage

I'm for it, and against religious exclusion via lobbying pressure on our precious pollies of any kind.  As usual, Australia is behind the times.  Since when did Pollies get the right to impose their beliefs on the rest of us?  nong brains.,

Message 120 of 120
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