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Resolved! Why shoot it down if it's not hostile? re. Flight MH370

4 Corners reporter: "Why shoot it down if it's not hostile?" Malaysian PM: " Well, the Americans would" here's the link to watch: LOST: MH370Four Corners ABCBy Caro Meldrum-Hanna and Wayne...

How LONG does it take for MEDICARE to write a cheque?

Following routine surgery on 9 Dec last yr, I lodged a claim at Medicare for my anaesthetist’s fees. Two weeks later, I checked my online account and noticed that the claim had been processed. It’s now nearly the end of Jan and I STILL haven’t receiv...

Resolved! I think this is a great idea. to gain entry to your office, get on a bus, or perhaps buy a sandwich? We're all getting used to swiping a card to do all these things. But at Epicenter, a new hi-tech office block in Sweden, they a...

Resolved! travel rorter at it again

Once again the PM, who by the way has already had to pay back $11000 in misclaimed travel rebate is off doing apparent legitimate political stuff so we can pay for him to do what he really wants

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I was thinking of buying a supply of nappies for our new grandbaby, (due in July) but have seen a few things lately about a movement back to modern cloth nappies rather than disposables. Obviously I'll ask the parents what they want to use, but I'm c...

What are you doing wth your Saturday

'besides, voting, shopping, running kids(or yourself) around for sports, housework etc I am cooking, finally saved up enough for my upright freezer and am filling it lol. It's just me that have to cook for so can get plenty of meals in there. Have ma...

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would you consider this a fair trade ?

Couple and single mum of one sharing house together , couple have home phone and internet bundle 200 Gb data , no one uses the phone to make calls but when the couple are not home that is goes to work or away for weekend they take wifi cable so singl...

Shoes at the thrift store.

Have you ever bough a pair of shoes that were too tight on you, just because you liked them so much? Well these shoes are in my car now. Theres no doubt these shoes are fly and I'm going to try to track them down in my size. COOGI.AUSTRALIA. Style- c...