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And in other Australia Day Honours news

Is it Australia Day - or April Fool's Day? That was a question being posed on social media after an early morning statement from Prime Minister Tony Abbott revealed the Queen's husband, Prince Philip, had been awarded a knight of the Order of Austral...

Greek Singer Demis Roussos Dies Aged 68

Greek singer Demis Roussos, best known for his hit operatic pop ballads in the 1970s and 1980s, has died in Athens aged 68.His death was announced in a brief statement by the Igia clinic, where he was admitted some time ago with an undisclosed illnes...

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Kangaroo Dundee

This bloke would be a good Knight, he has 98 acres that he uses a sanctuary for Kangaroos. He was living in a tin shed with no toilet, water or power, just him and his joeys but has since moved in with his girlfriend. Awesome bloke.

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As your style & choice of underwear changed as you've got older? I still wear what I have always worn " Y fronts " only now I'm older, I choose darker colours

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I Hope He Goes to Jail.

Man charged with child pornography after allegedly promising to send images of his unborn baby IN A case that is set to shock the nation, a Brisbane man has been charged with child pornography after promising to send explicit images of his newborn ba...

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Saturday and Sunday here were horribly hot, even at 2am outside was like being in a bowl of warm soup, today it hasn't stopped raining has dropped over 10 degrees and you can't see the mountains.

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Live Crayfish Pinched From Restaurant

A MAN accused of nicking a live crayfish from a Melbourne restaurant has been charged with theft and animal cruelty. THE 26-year-old Tasmanian allegedly stole the crayfish from its tank in the early hours of Saturday morning, and was spotted by offic...

Winner of THE SOMEWHERE YOU WERE photo comp is

Ambereyed girl with 25 votes post 6 2nd is Debra post 26 - 20 votes equal 3rd are Flashie post 7 - 18 votes & JD's noise post 18 - 18 votes equal 4th are BorisGary post 4 - 17 votes Lind post 9 - 17 votes Lurker post 17 - 17 votes Congratulations to ...


Anyone having problems with Firefox. We had a huge electrical storm here and while explorer is ok no luck with Fireefox.

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Resolved! computer program free

Just wondering if anyone can tell me the name of a free program like windows office for writing documents, it was called feathers or arrows or something that reminded me of American Indians .I need to write a resume Thanks

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