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Forum Posts

How do you clean your windows?

OK it's a job I loathe but it has to be done .... I have a massive window in my sunroom what's the best way to clean it, that doesn't take long or leaves smears/smudges?


Please be very wary of current Oakley ROMEOS being listed ATM, there are 4 listings with EXACTLY the same pictures and description of item (verbatim), all from Victoria, Australia.These have been reported before (earlier today), and a couple were rem...

comb overs

Do men that use this, quite frankly ridiculous hair style. Think that we see what they think they see. Or is it an indicator of a lack of intelligence. Most would say it is just vanity but surely one must be fairly unintelligent to think that just be...

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Target being veerry SNEAKY!

Went to Target today because they are offering 2nd item in ladies linen clothing at half price. Lined up and paid for 2 x $40 shirts and 2 x $20 t - shirts. Was expecting the total discount to be $30 ......checked receipt to find the discount was onl...

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and again

New York police officer is found not guilty of killing a man even though he used a choke hold that is not recommend to be used. Whole incident is on tape. This man was basically given summary justice for selling untaxed cigarettes. He did resist arre...

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do people spend to much time on here

do some people spend to much time on these forums posting and posting and posting???? isnt there life out side of these forums for some people???? or does it get to a stage that the forums are your life???? why do people spend so much time on here???...

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How Many Posters Here Use.......

.......a C-PAP device while sleeping? It seems like everyone I know here at home uses one......... I underwent a "sleep study" the other day, and naturally they determined that I needed one. Second worst night's sleep of my life, only exceeded when "...

Christmas Fare - when you live in QLD

Any bright and wonderful ideas for a Christmas spread that does NOT involve HOT stoves and indoors. Got the usual idea's - seafood, cold cuts, salads, I know, in a word..... boring.....any Qlder's out there that know how to make thisday awesome witho...

Greens Senator. ....

GREENS Senator Larissa Waters has urged Christmas shoppers to rethink buying bright pink jewellery or dolls for little girls, linking gender-stereotyped toys to domestic violence and pay inequality. The minor party’s gender spokeswoman has endorsed t...