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Forum Posts

Great Dane eats 43 socks

Love a happy ending Great Dane survives after eating 43 socks – and its hospital wins a prize Portland animal hospital entered the dog's story, complet...

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At Home Funnyspeak

Do you and your partner have a private funnyspeak? Things you'd never say in front of anyone else? I have some mince thawing on the sink for bolognese tonight. With noodles. Except, we call noodle doodles, just between us. In funnyspeak. We also call...

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24 Hour Poetry Competition - Subject: Home and Garden

OK, another poetry competition ... original poems welcomed, poems written by others are accepted. The winner will be decided by kudos received, there will be also be a Judge's Prize decided by the judge. The judge is ME. I hate my little unit,The lay...

Father's day comp help

The story..... Imagine the stress and heartache of being told your 3 year old son has cancer. Then the struggle of having to travel for treatment, split up siblings and eventually move away from the only home he knew. That’s exactly what happened to ...

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Resolved! Was Abbott eligible to stand for office?

The strange and suspicious case of Tony Abbott’s citizenship,6859 Why is the PM's chief of staff so desperate to prevent proof e...

Cat question

Master Puss has reached puberty and has started weeing inside. Will desexing stop these behaviours?

Does jJournalism Still Require Impartiality?

If you think of the names that have created the biggest buzz in the media world in the past few years – blogger/journalist Glenn Greenwald, data guru Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight, Julian Assange of Wikileaks, and now the increasingly popular lo-fi ...

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