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Forum Posts

Big Crikey's Chorus' got Silver at the Nationals

The AAMB National Titles have just finished in Perth Finals were last night, he flew home overnight and now he's gone to bed, so not many details, but.... his Youth Chorus got silver his Quartet got silver The Men's Choir got 4th. Perth wom all categ...

Left misreads Tony Abbott as they did John Howard

While Labor wallows in a mess of its own making Tony Abbott is getting on with the job of running the country in a competent manner that we haven't seen for the 6 years Labor was in power, who failed at 99% of their policies & then turned around & bl...

I've Worked It Out!

No. Not the Meaning of Life. I've worked out what business model Australia Post are following! They figure that if "Search" and "I'm feeling lucky" worked for Larry Page and Google, that it might work for them too!

Resolved! Internet archive question

There was a private forum once and it got deleted. There was a thread about my wedding and i thought it was more fun than the actual wedding. I want it back. Is it still somewhere out there or is it gone?

Congratulations, Australia!

We are now the richest people on the planet. Officially loaded. According to the Credit Suisse 2013 Global Wealth Report, released this week, our median wealth - $233,504 - is higher than any other country. (Granted, for those pedants who actually pr...

Some Things are Meant To Be.

3 weeks ago, I walked into a nursing home up the road from our home and asked if they had a vacancy for my father in law. He had been assaulted by his room mate in the nursing home he was in, 3 hours away from us.A few days later, he moved in, to his...

Customer Service

Tonight on my way home from work, I stopped off at the local Post Office agency to post some things to a friend about 150km away. As I'd been in BigW earlier in the day, I'd already bought a tough envelope and packaged it up before I got there. Once ...