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Even Rudd can't defend the dreadful Gillard Years

So all the Conservative ranting & furious posting, all the abuse & ridicule they have endured regarding all the years of Labor has been vindicated fully by the last desperate effort of Rudd & his failed ministry. The spectacle yesterday from Rudd/Bow...

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The babies who nap in sub-zero temperatures

Perhaps they have a low crime rate? out the prams outside the coffee shops? I "nannied" for a Danish Diplomat for 6 months and each day, bub was tucked in her pram and put outside in the garden for 2 ho...

The bandwidth effect.The last mile. Malcolm Turbull said Verizon are not rolling out Fibre to the premises any more. It seems he is wrong about that. Ignoring the fact that the video is a Verizon ad, it is a good explanation of why FTTP is the...

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The crying game

The desperate negative and mendacious one liners are multiplying at the rate of the Dudd slide towards oblivion. The scrabbling to shore themselves up, to find succor in their clumping together in its pathetic hurry toward the inevitable. The screams...

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I think I will turn off the TV for the next 2 weeks and watch some DVD'S.. I have just watched 3 political ads in a row and it will only get much worse as we get closer to election day. Then........ we have to run the gauntlet thru the people shoving...

What Is The Colour Of Your Car?

My Ford Focus is Plum Blush. It's actually a charcoaly purple. Whenever wer'e looking for it in the car park we say "have you seen a plum blush?" My DD's little Getz was Jazz. A bright red.

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Hockey's audit claims appear false

SHADOW treasurer Joe Hockey was not telling the truth when he claimed days before the election that the Coalition's costings had been ''audited'' by a big accountancy firm.His claim that ''we have the fifth-biggest accounting firm in Australia auditi...

I love Dawn French: I'm Not Too Fat If I Can Have...

Many people have told Dawn French, both in person and anonymously online, that she is too fat, but as far as she is concerned, her weight is not a problem. In a candid interview published in the September issue of The Australian Women's Weekly, the 5...

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I don't always understand it but I always enjoy it.Tonight's show has pretty much fried my mind