on 15-06-2013 08:21 PM
how often does your council have the hard rubbish collection days
ours have only ever had one. I think they should do it here at least twice a year.
on 15-06-2013 08:26 PM
Here people started dumping their rubbish, dirty mattreses, white goods, stoofed TV's etc at the charity bins, and at the back of the Life Line shop, because the council charge like wooded bulls to use the dump. Now I think they have a hard rubbish pick up once a year.
on 15-06-2013 08:31 PM
Ours come around once a fortnight. I love them. firstly, you can put out the stuff you've been hoarding for years and finally let it go.
Secondly, you can pick up some really good stuff to replace what you threw out :^O
on 15-06-2013 08:36 PM
:^O icy that makes sense.
people dump stuff in another town closer to here as well and it's all due to tip fees.
on 15-06-2013 08:38 PM
I actually seen a lady sitting in a car guarding a chest of drawers across the road. Her husband/son/partner/lover/neighbour came in a ute and parked bonnet to bonnet with her and loaded it on the ute and off they went.
on 15-06-2013 08:40 PM
I wanted to hide inside, open the window enough to call out *SCABS* :^O my OH said noooooooooooo they might come and knock on the door, I said that's OK I will just tell them it was you.:|
on 15-06-2013 08:41 PM
Twice a year. No TV's, lounge suites, e-waste, mattresses though and other excluded stuff.
They were thinking of changing it, to the same as Wollongong where you can call the council twice a year and they will give a date that fortnight and take the stuff away. Instead of people putting stuff out all over the kerb.
I read some councils don't like people putting stuff out a week early before the collection day 'cause it looks untidy.
My daughter lives in Sydney CBD and she called the council, recently as she had a queen mattress to dispose of. They told her to put it outside on a specified date and they picked it up. Pretty good I thought.
on 15-06-2013 08:42 PM
WOW! she must to have wanted it really badly,
when they had it here it was the busiest I've ever seen the town .LOl, people were out in droves, utes, trailers and supermarket trolleys :^O
on 15-06-2013 08:42 PM
I still see sofas etc dumped by the Charity bins.. how silly is that. If get rained on before anyone collects it it would be ruined and the charity would be stuck with it.
on 15-06-2013 08:43 PM
I wanted to hide inside, open the window enough to call out *SCABS* :^O my OH said noooooooooooo they might come and knock on the door, I said that's OK I will just tell them it was you.:|
Freddy that is funny :^O