drones a new age problem?

Perpetrators using drones to stalk victims in new age of technology fuelled harassment




in the last month or so ive had issues with 3 drones at my home.

they dont botther me much but Foo goes crazy about them, gets very scared!

you cant see whos flying the darn things to go complain, they just suddenly appear above you.

then buzz away over the houses.


saturday i was just taking Foo out for a walk and was just in my driveway when from over my house came this drone, swooped low above us freaking Foo out then zoomed off too fast for me to see where it was as i was getting Foo back into the house.


i'm guessing that as people think they can do as they please with them pretty soon there will be laws passed controlling their use.


maybe i need a slingshot?

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Re: drones a new age problem?

Honored Contributor

There are already laws in NSW governing the use of drones David....and they are pretty strictly enforced in my area as we are within sight of Sydney Airport.


Some friends live near a small rural airfield, on a horse property.  There is a local hotline number for drones to be reported near the airfield.....I believe the local horse owners are using it to great effect.

Message 2 of 12
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Re: drones a new age problem?

maybe i need a slingshot?


Nah, one of these is better.



image host
Message 3 of 12
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Re: drones a new age problem?

Community Member
David buy a yabby net and put it on a pole.
Catch drone, smash drone. It is illegal to fly drones near people
Message 4 of 12
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Re: drones a new age problem?

Drone delays air rescue of fisherman stranded on rocks in Gold Coast Seaway




makes my complaint seem silly

Message 5 of 12
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Re: drones a new age problem?

I think it is high time laws were passed about them.

I've not been bothered by any around ehre (not that I am outside that much so could easily miss them) but I think they have the potential to be a massive invasion of privacy. Plus they seem to be becoming more common-you see them advertised everywhere, so I think you're right, people will get the idea they have the right to use then wherever they want unless some very clear & publicised rules are put in place.


If i saw one buzzing over me, I'd be inclined to want to knock it down but I'm betting most people will have them up flying a bit higher-still a massive invasion of privacy though.

Message 6 of 12
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Re: drones a new age problem?

With the trend towards miniaturisation, it won't be too long before you won't even notice that 'fly on the wall'.



Message 7 of 12
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Re: drones a new age problem?

"Those looking to the skies in search of Predator drones will be in for a surprise, however, because when the drones finally descend en masse on America, they will not be the massive aerial assault vehicles favored by the Obama administration in their overseas war efforts. Rather, the drones coming to a neighborhood near you will be small, some nano in size, capable of flying through city streets and buildings almost undetected, while hovering over cityscapes and public events for long periods of time, providing a means of 24/7 surveillance. "




Message 8 of 12
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Re: drones a new age problem?

yes, saw a documentary about a year or so ago about miniaturisation and how it was believed the US already had some the size of a dragonfly and much the same shape.

And on my home page the last few days, I've seen an article about mini drones the best buys of 2018. Mind you, I just opened the page to read it, get a link and of course it isn't there now that I can see. The news articles change every time.

Message 9 of 12
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Re: drones a new age problem?

theres are dones and then there are professional drones.

you can get what it pretty much a toy quite cheaply and then the sky is the limit.


ive been wondering if i was to switch on a radio control transmitter to my radio control cars would it mess with the drones signal.

prolly not, but it was a thought.

Message 10 of 12
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