howard government knew about telstra pit asbestos, abbott refused to act

THE Howard coalition government was aware 12 years ago there was an asbestos problem in Telstra's pits and ducts, federal Labor says.
"The previous government knew all about it, and did nothing about it," cabinet minister Craig Emerson told Sky News this morning.

Telstra has been accused of cutting corners when handing over infrastructure to the national broadband network builder NBN Co after contractors and communities raised fears they had been exposed to the deadly material.

The Gillard government has been under pressure from the coalition to explain when and how much it knew about the asbestos problem at Telstra.

Fairfax Media says the giant telco wanted to create an independent body to accelerate compensation and sought approval from the Department of Workplace Relations in 2001.

However, the department, then under the ministerial leadership of Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, rejected the plan.

"He's the guy now complaining," Dr Emerson said.

"This is nothing more than a way of attacking the national broadband network by the coalition"

Earlier today, Industry Minister Greg Combet has issued a stern warning to Telstra over the issue.

Greg Combet, a former union heavyweight who pursued James Hardie over asbestos issues, said Telstra must do all it can to protect those affected by exposure to deadly asbestos in connection with the NBN.

"It is critical that it is done in mind with the greatest security for members of the community," Mr Combet told ABC Radio.

"We all know what is necessary and as you say I've got a lot of experience unfortunately with people being exposed to asbestos and by crikey they better do this job well."

Labor yesterday met with NBN co, Telstra and other stakeholders in Canberra to discuss the issue.

Workplace Minister Bill Shorten said a national taskforce would be set up to monitor exposure prevention and supervise contracting workers during the network rollout.

NBN sites have been shut down in several states after asbestos was disturbed in Telstra pits.

The issue dominated parliament yesterday and is expected to be a key topic in meetings of the Labor caucus and Coalition party room later today

Message 1 of 55
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howard government knew about telstra pit asbestos, abbott refused to act

well Turnbull is talking down the asbestos hysteria also , what does this mean ? is he looking at a loss ($) or is there more to this than abbotts role in leaving it there in the first place his negligence is a bigger issue than at first thought ? NW would be talking it up if something tremendously damaging wasn't about to land in tones lap..


Message 31 of 55
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howard government knew about telstra pit asbestos, abbott refused to act

It was a health and safety issue as to why they left the asbestos in ground unless a need to remove it arose. 


It was not Abbotts idea. It was a conclusion of a large investigation. 


Asbestos is a killer when it is disturbed and the particles get into the air and you breathe them in. If they made the decision to make people rip up all the pipes you will have a higher proportion of people contracting mesothelioma. You cannot guarantee 100% that no one will get exposed no matter how well you implement health and safety guidelines. 



Message 32 of 55
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howard government knew about telstra pit asbestos, abbott refused to act

food for thought



for wot it's worth, john's debatin' appears to be borne out of wot's good for john's bank balance, rather than wot's good for australia. 

Message 33 of 55
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howard government knew about telstra pit asbestos, abbott refused to act

so why are they (turnbull in particular) easing up ? there's either a financial loss to someone or a dirty secret about to emerge. its definitely some kind of damage control from the opposition being enacted beforehand here.

Message 34 of 55
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howard government knew about telstra pit asbestos, abbott refused to act

LL: "existing 'plans' would have to be honoured before switchover. naturally some wouldn't .. those who had dial -up in the past may be still overwhelmed by asdl"

"you pays your money etc.."

Actually you do not "get your choice" because there will be a compulsory shut-down of the copper network (no competition please, we are the NBN)


However, after September things could change!



Yes, we do get a choice.

The NBN is a wholesale provider.

The competition is between service providers.

Message 35 of 55
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howard government knew about telstra pit asbestos, abbott refused to act

It was a health and safety issue as to why they left the asbestos in ground unless a need to remove it arose. 


It was not Abbotts idea. It was a conclusion of a large investigation. 


Asbestos is a killer when it is disturbed and the particles get into the air and you breathe them in. If they made the decision to make people rip up all the pipes you will have a higher proportion of people contracting mesothelioma. You cannot guarantee 100% that no one will get exposed no matter how well you implement health and safety guidelines. 




Pipes are only replaced if they must be. There have obviously been correct precautions taken in many cases because people have been posting on forums about the water, wondering why Telstra are putting water in pits causing mud while remediating.


The pits are not raw asbestos which are dispersed into the air easily. The asbestos is bound by concrete. The pits have been replaced for years as needed. 


On my first day of high school science we were handed a piece of asbestos sheet and told to be careful because it can kill.  Most of the class is still alive and well. Don't think any have contracted mesothelioma or any other asbestos related cancer.


Message 36 of 55
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howard government knew about telstra pit asbestos, abbott refused to act

for further clarity. When the pipes are not fit for use a new pipe is laid and the old one is left alone, in most instances.

Message 37 of 55
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howard government knew about telstra pit asbestos, abbott refused to act

That is right Freak....



Message 38 of 55
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howard government knew about telstra pit asbestos, abbott refused to act

Fascinating the screams and the out cry on here and in the media and from many in the public.


Most people living in a house built prior to  1990 will more than likely have some asbestos in it... Most likely in wet areas and in the eaves of your home yet no one is screaming about the dangers of that.


So how many of you live in a house built before 1990? If you do its 99% sure you have some asbestos in your home.... .and most people over the years at some stage have drilled it or sanded it or played with it or painted it etc etc.... 


The asbestos has been in telstra pits for 50 years and it is all of a sudden a problem......?



This is interesting and worth reading and its from the trusted ABC (they are not owned by Murdoch so its ok for the luvvies to read this story)


NBN asbestos risk exaggerated: Public health expert


also here


Everyone who has a concern should go here


 I will ask again.... how many of you live in a house built before 1990? If you do its 99% sure you have some asbestos in your home....and most people over the years at some stage have drilled it or sanded it or played with it or painted it etc etc.... 



My apologies Nero Wolf for my screams, they may have fascinated you, but watching a father slowly die from mesothelioma , tends to make a person think that his years of cutting and working with asbestos sheeting may have logically been the reason why he died from a cancer linked with the handling of the material.



I will go outside of my pre 1970's house and happily drill through the eaves feeling safe that  any dust I inhale is completely safe because of the skills of a person who uses Google.


Dust masks are for the fear mongers!




When A fibre of asbestos is inhaled it makes its way into the cells in the lung, there the fibre itself is not carcinogenic - the shape is.

Larger fibres can be coghed up while smaller ones ( 8 micrometers) embed themsleves into cells (their shape and barbs) causing cell death and then tumours.





Message 39 of 55
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howard government knew about telstra pit asbestos, abbott refused to act

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