on 18-09-2013 11:21 AM
I received an email to my private email address from a wine company. Dear xxx xxxxxxx please log in using this temporary password etc etc etc
The name used is what caught my attention as the first name was my youngest daughters nic name used by family only and the surname my maiden name!
Now neither of us drink wine and I checked with my other daughter who does drink wine, but she has no idea how they could have possibly got either name.
I googled and yes the company is legit so I rang them only to have a rude woman tell me well what do I want her to do about and give her the email address and she will make sure they don't send me emails. hmmmmm lady I was asking how these names came about and maybe it's a scam that the company should be aware of. Waste of a phone call.
So, do I report it or ignore and delete?
on 18-09-2013 11:29 AM
report it
and while you're at it can you report crikey's new id I don't like it
on 18-09-2013 11:32 AM
Back to bed with clair, she got out on the wrong side.
on 18-09-2013 12:29 PM
lol, yes, some people should not answer phones.........
Poor clair, move the bed against the wall 🙂
on 18-09-2013 01:29 PM
Beds against the wall are so hard to make.....don't do it.