onlooker's comments goes viral


Hashtags such as #PorteOuverte, #StandWithAhmed and #YouAintNoMuslimBruv have resonance all over the world, as we recognise and celebrate this heartening display of humanity in the face of inhuman acts, in a kind of global alliance of coexistence.


After 14 years of living through the brutality of terrorist acts, “collateral damage” and repercussions on all our societies, people are wising up to the fact that this ridiculous, monochrome notion of “us” v “them” is not going to fly.


Violent criminals have no ownership over any religion, any country, any community or any of our mindsets.


As one tweeter pointed out: “Islamophobes and racists are unhappy with #YouAintNoMuslimBruv trending. They want division as much as Daesh does.”


The fact that this is trending on Twitter reflects an eagerness for unity. People simply do not want more division. We are sick and tired of it. Londoners, Brits, the French, Americans, Australians, whoever we are, wherever we face the threat of discord, we stand in solidarity.


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
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onlooker's comments goes viral

What happened to "diversity is our strength"? How can we preach solidarity if we are supposed to worship "diversity"?


Diversity is not the same as disunity.


We worship in different churches some of us have Sunday as our day of worship, some of us have Saturday; some of us are atheists and don't worship anywhere or anything.



We barrack for different football teams we vote for different political parties, we enjoy different types of music, we read different books, we watch different TV programmes.  Some of us won't eat pork, some of us won't eat any meat at all, some of us won't even eat eggs or any dairy products, some of us won't drink alcohol, or coffee, or tea.



Each one of us is a unique individual and we are as diverse as we could possibly be. What gives us unity is our love and respect for each other and the country in which we live. 

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Message 5 of 9
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onlooker's comments goes viral

@johcaschro wrote:

and some people send their girl children overseas for a clitorodectomy (if they can't find someone diverse enough to do it here for them)


and some people despise others of a different religion, calling them "kuffar".


and some people want their womenfolk to live in shapeless sacks and wear masks when they go out because it's their fault if they attract the admiring glances of men.


and some people really do still believe that women are not worth as much as men and go on to demonstrate that fact in sometimes brutal fashion.


there is celebration of diversity and then there is celebrated a repressive medieval ideology which is responsible for much harm in this world.


it's amazing the lengths to which a person might go and the acts a person might commit if they are true believers in an afterlife where evil actions are  actually rewarded.



Some people steal, some people commit murder,  some people beat their partners or sexually abuse children. Common sense should tell you that celebrating diversity does not entail celebrating crime or cruelty.

 Unless you are suggesting that the bystander who called out "you ain't no Muslim, bruv" was a man who would send his daughter overseas for a clitorectomy or force his wife wear a burqa, then I cannot see how it is even remotely relevant to the topic.


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Message 9 of 9
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onlooker's comments goes viral

great.....Smiley Sad



The man was arrested after police used a Taser to subdue him, and is being questioned by police.

British police are treating the attack as a terrorist incident, with reports that the assailant screamed "this is for Syria" during the event.

Message 2 of 9
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onlooker's comments goes viral

i think it is great that there is still common sense in this world.


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 3 of 9
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onlooker's comments goes viral

@bluecat*riverdancing wrote:



The fact that this is trending on Twitter reflects an eagerness for unity. People simply do not want more division. We are sick and tired of it. Londoners, Brits, the French, Americans, Australians, whoever we are, wherever we face the threat of discord, we stand in solidarity.

What happened to "diversity is our strength"? How can we preach solidarity if we are supposed to worship "diversity"?


noun, plural diversities.

the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness:
diversity of opinion.
Message 4 of 9
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onlooker's comments goes viral

What happened to "diversity is our strength"? How can we preach solidarity if we are supposed to worship "diversity"?


Diversity is not the same as disunity.


We worship in different churches some of us have Sunday as our day of worship, some of us have Saturday; some of us are atheists and don't worship anywhere or anything.



We barrack for different football teams we vote for different political parties, we enjoy different types of music, we read different books, we watch different TV programmes.  Some of us won't eat pork, some of us won't eat any meat at all, some of us won't even eat eggs or any dairy products, some of us won't drink alcohol, or coffee, or tea.



Each one of us is a unique individual and we are as diverse as we could possibly be. What gives us unity is our love and respect for each other and the country in which we live. 

Message 5 of 9
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onlooker's comments goes viral

Unity and diversity are not exclusive to each other.


She- ele has explained it beautifully.


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 6 of 9
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onlooker's comments goes viral

and some people send their girl children overseas for a clitorodectomy (if they can't find someone diverse enough to do it here for them)


and some people despise others of a different religion, calling them "kuffar".


and some people want their womenfolk to live in shapeless sacks and wear masks when they go out because it's their fault if they attract the admiring glances of men.


and some people really do still believe that women are not worth as much as men and go on to demonstrate that fact in sometimes brutal fashion.


there is celebration of diversity and then there is celebrated a repressive medieval ideology which is responsible for much harm in this world.


it's amazing the lengths to which a person might go and the acts a person might commit if they are true believers in an afterlife where evil actions are  actually rewarded.



Message 7 of 9
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onlooker's comments goes viral

And, most people don't.


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 8 of 9
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onlooker's comments goes viral

@johcaschro wrote:

and some people send their girl children overseas for a clitorodectomy (if they can't find someone diverse enough to do it here for them)


and some people despise others of a different religion, calling them "kuffar".


and some people want their womenfolk to live in shapeless sacks and wear masks when they go out because it's their fault if they attract the admiring glances of men.


and some people really do still believe that women are not worth as much as men and go on to demonstrate that fact in sometimes brutal fashion.


there is celebration of diversity and then there is celebrated a repressive medieval ideology which is responsible for much harm in this world.


it's amazing the lengths to which a person might go and the acts a person might commit if they are true believers in an afterlife where evil actions are  actually rewarded.



Some people steal, some people commit murder,  some people beat their partners or sexually abuse children. Common sense should tell you that celebrating diversity does not entail celebrating crime or cruelty.

 Unless you are suggesting that the bystander who called out "you ain't no Muslim, bruv" was a man who would send his daughter overseas for a clitorectomy or force his wife wear a burqa, then I cannot see how it is even remotely relevant to the topic.


Message 9 of 9
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