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"Good news" I got an apartment

Community Member

Yes, I got the call, but it's not ready yet. .. It was supposed to be. The apartment manager called me Wendsday, I went in thursday paid the deposit and rent for this month, got the keys and she said it would be ready to move in tomorrow, That was today, I packed most all my things including the matress I sleep on, got there and this place is nowhere near ready, the floors are dug up,the toilet is in the bathtub pending the floor repair, So the maintnance guy "Tim" tells me it's gonna be at least a week.


I left the moving truck there, I hope it will be safe from theives or vandals. I might be getting a good deal on a new sofa tomorrow. Sale starts at 9am and I plan to be there before then with my eye on the one they are marking down. They are marking two down but I don't want the bigger one, it has a nasty rip in it. Gonna need some area rugs, maybe a dressor.


Overwhelming, but I love it, I finally got into, or rather I should say, I'm going to be getting into a place. Yippie ! .. thought I'd share the good news

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Re: "Good news" I got an apartment

you sound very  happy and excited, I hope it all works out well for you. Good luck with everything... new home , new start

Message 11 of 15
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Re: "Good news" I got an apartment

It's great to hear that you finally will have a place of your own and no more worries about where you'll sleep from one day to another.


Let us know when the apartment is all fixed and you can move in. I am surprised your father asked why you paid the rent before the place is ready to move in. Even here in Australia, rental housing is scarce and Commission Housing almost impossible to get. So when the opportunity arises, paying the rent in advance is one way to secure the place will be yours.


I wish you lots of happiness for your future.


Message 12 of 15
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Re: "Good news" I got an apartment

@lind9650 wrote:

It's great to hear that you finally will have a place of your own and no more worries about where you'll sleep from one day to another.




i moved 43 times in 18yrs so hell yes, it's a massive relief to finally have a more permanent abode


_________________________________________________________________________________Ukraine Serbian residing in NZ who reads most PREVIOUS thread posts before posting her own.
Message 13 of 15
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Re: "Good news" I got an apartment

@j*oono wrote:

I'm glad you got a place you are happy with but I hope your rent doesn't start until the place is ready for you to move in to?

would they actually do that? charge rent for the period a tenant wasn't actually living there because the property is intenantable???

_________________________________________________________________________________Ukraine Serbian residing in NZ who reads most PREVIOUS thread posts before posting her own.
Message 14 of 15
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Re: "Good news" I got an apartment

ONAU, how is the work on your apartement going? Will you be able to move in soon?

I hope the weather is kind to you, not like here in Australia where more than half the country are freezing.


Take care of yourslef.


Message 15 of 15
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