on 20-05-2015 03:41 AM
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This Weeks Question: Is it about Time to Change or Replace Our Australian Flag ?
Editor's Thought: Whilst Australia is still a Member of The Commonwealth Heads of Government, their are other CHOG Members that DO NOT have the Union Jack displayed on their Country Flag, e.g. Canada, PNG, Cyprus, Zambia, etc, etc. to name a few.
Fifty-three countries are members of the Commonwealth. Our countries span Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and the Pacific and are diverse – they are amongst the world’s largest, smallest, richest and poorest countries. Thirty-one of our members are classified as small states – countries with a population size of 1.5 million people or less and larger member states that share similar characteristics with them.
All members subscribe to the Commonwealth’s values and principles outlined in The Commonwealth Charter.
- See more at: http://thecommonwealth.org/member-countries#sthash.LrhxvIAy.dpuf
So is it time for us to move with the times, and look at redesigning our National **bleep**, into something more " Aussie " ?
" What Sayeth The People ? "
on 20-05-2015 04:54 PM
@this-one-time-at-bandcamp wrote:It's also instantly confused with New Zealand .
Only if you can't differentiate between white stars and red ones..........
And if you don't see the Federation Star on the Australian flag.
on 20-05-2015 05:57 PM
Not every patriotic
Australian is a Coo-eee
You beaut
G day mate
Fat feral Bush pig
on 20-05-2015 06:43 PM
on 20-05-2015 06:59 PM
I very much doubt that you are Australian
Your sentiments on all subjects
Are very much anti Australian
20-05-2015 07:54 PM - edited 20-05-2015 07:55 PM
on 21-05-2015 12:24 AM
21-05-2015 12:44 AM - edited 21-05-2015 12:47 AM
It's also instantly confused with New Zealand
May not be for much longer. NZ is having a referendum for a possible change of flag. NZ'ers can send in their new designs for consideration.
All New Zealanders enrolled to vote will be asked to take part in two referendums.
Referendum One
20 November – 11 December 2015
You’ll be asked to rank the four flag alternatives selected by the Panel. Rather than picking one favourite, you’ll be ranking the flag options from your most preferred to your least preferred.
Referendum Two
3 March – 24 March 2016
You’ll be asked to choose between the current New Zealand Flag and the preferred alternative design selected in the first referendum. The results of both referendums are binding. This means the flag with the most votes in the second referendum will be the official flag of New Zealand. There will be full instructions in your voting pack for both referendums, so you’ll get all the information you need to help you complete your voting papers.
on 21-05-2015 01:43 PM
@lyndal1838 wrote:
@this-one-time-at-bandcamp wrote:It's also instantly confused with New Zealand .
Only if you can't differentiate between white stars and red ones..........
And if you don't see the Federation Star on the Australian flag.
I wasn't referring to Aussies getting our flag confused with the Kiwi flag, it was more about its recognition by those who see our flag outside our two countries - sporting events etc. At first glance by an outsider they would struggle to identify whether it was AU or NZ.
on 21-05-2015 04:15 PM
So, can you immediately identify the flags of Senegal and Camaroon? Or of Slovakia and Slovenia?
on 21-05-2015 04:33 PM