" What Sayeth The People ??? "


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This Weeks Question:    Is it about Time to Change or Replace Our Australian Flag ?





Editor's Thought:   Whilst Australia is still a Member of The Commonwealth Heads of Government, their are other CHOG Members that DO NOT have the Union Jack displayed on their Country Flag, e.g. Canada, PNG, Cyprus, Zambia, etc, etc. to name a few.


Fifty-three countries are members of the Commonwealth. Our countries span Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and the Pacific and are diverse – they are amongst the world’s largest, smallest, richest and poorest countries. Thirty-one of our members are classified as small states – countries with a population size of 1.5 million people or less and larger member states that share similar characteristics with them.

All members subscribe to the Commonwealth’s values and principles outlined in The Commonwealth Charter.

- See more at: http://thecommonwealth.org/member-countries#sthash.LrhxvIAy.dpuf



So is it time for us to move with the times, and look at redesigning our National **bleep**, into something more " Aussie " ?


" What Sayeth The People ? "

Message 1 of 86
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Re: " What Sayeth The People ??? "

@azureline** wrote:
Rabbit.... I was not aware that I was entering a discussion about who was here first....... the Aboriginals who were standing on the beach when the British landed here are who I consider to be the first residents of "Australia"

you mean the guys who were alive and living on this soil when foreigners came to kill them and take their land?



sorry but have to clarify as we have descended into distraction strategies.

Message 51 of 86
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Re: " What Sayeth The People ??? "

anyway....i would like to know what happened after noah dropped off the roos, wombats and emus?


did he also drop off some offspring from a second aboriginal wife to create aboriginals?

Message 52 of 86
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Re: " What Sayeth The People ??? "

@lal-au0 wrote:

@azureline** wrote:
Rabbit.... I was not aware that I was entering a discussion about who was here first....... the Aboriginals who were standing on the beach when the British landed here are who I consider to be the first residents of "Australia"

you mean the guys who were alive and living on this soil when foreigners came to kill them and take their land?


Very dramatic ..... could you list any countries that have not been invaded and their people killed and their land taken? I can't seem to think of any. Most countries I can think of have been invaded multiple times by multiple nations and their original peoples have long since gone.


However, that's not the point is it.  Back to the flag - how many nations have a flag that represents all of it's inhabitants past and present?


America - perhaps one of those stars might be for the various tribes of their native population? No?

New Zealand? No.

UK?  No.

Indonesia? No.

China? No.

Japan? No.





Message 53 of 86
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Re: " What Sayeth The People ??? "

so you think we should ignore who was here first and fly the british flag?


do you have a faint idea how sick the rest of the world is of british/US arrogance?


having that english stuff in our flag denigrates us to servants of the empire (which btw does not exist anymore, just for clarification for the ones who havent noticed yet).

Message 54 of 86
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Re: " What Sayeth The People ??? "

You should look at the NZ flag designs before you write them of.  They will beat us in getting a new flag, judging by the number of entrants so far.


Anyway, we're not any of those countries and we're not talking about their flags.  It's Australia, you know the land that has never reached a treaty with it's first nations people and who did not acknowledge their existance when the l;and was claimed.  The Brits did not win a war, they said the land was uninhabited and claimed it on that basis.

Message 55 of 86
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Re: " What Sayeth The People ??? "

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:


I haven't been able to find anything that offers any proof that Mungo man was a different race to later aboriginal inhabitants of australia.




Just google: "Mungo Man" + DNA - you'll get 5,940 entries.



Message 56 of 86
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Re: " What Sayeth The People ??? "

yeah every one beats us to something.


i KNEW that we are 20 years behind but its so embarassing when its pointed out like that.


drove through germany, they have big solar cell farms, right next to the autobahn which sorta makes sense cos no one wants to live next to a noisy autobahn. they are huge (the solar cell farms). in germany. where you dont get a sunburn even if you try really hard.

Message 57 of 86
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Re: " What Sayeth The People ??? "

How's this fora flag

Three horizontal stripes

Red White and blue

With a large outline of the map of Australia Centred

Filed with gold stars 

One for every race that has ever lived here if you could fit that many

That would keep everyone happy

And maybe a halal certification in the bottom right corner

That would really make EVERYONE  happy

Message 58 of 86
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Re: " What Sayeth The People ??? "

@lal-au0 wrote:

so you think we should ignore who was here first and fly the british flag?


do you have a faint idea how sick the rest of the world is of british/US arrogance?


having that english stuff in our flag denigrates us to servants of the empire (which btw does not exist anymore, just for clarification for the ones who havent noticed yet).

Please don't confuse me with someone who gives a rat's about whether the flag is British or not. I agree that the colonising nations were ALL up themselves and that includes British, French, Spanish, Dutch and who ever else thought they would go out and civilise the world. They were all equally arrogant.


But, the fact remains that OUR Queen, Yes, OUR Queen, is Queen Elizabeth of England. Until we are a Democracy it is fitting that our flag stays the same - THEN you can have this debate again - and I promise I won't even comment on the eventual choice of flag - why? Because I don't care. Have a Picaso style kangaroo if you want.


But, it still doesn't make the existing Aboriginals the 'First Australians'.



Message 59 of 86
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Re: " What Sayeth The People ??? "

@opmania wrote:

How's this fora flag

Three horizontal stripes

Red White and blue

With a large outline of the map of Australia Centred

Filed with gold stars 

One for every race that has ever lived here if you could fit that many

That would keep everyone happy

And maybe a halal certification in the bottom right corner

That would really make EVERYONE  happy

evidently you would have to now include Norfolk Island on that flag too. Perhaps a picture of the Bounty.

Message 60 of 86
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