on 20-05-2015 03:41 AM
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This Weeks Question: Is it about Time to Change or Replace Our Australian Flag ?
Editor's Thought: Whilst Australia is still a Member of The Commonwealth Heads of Government, their are other CHOG Members that DO NOT have the Union Jack displayed on their Country Flag, e.g. Canada, PNG, Cyprus, Zambia, etc, etc. to name a few.
Fifty-three countries are members of the Commonwealth. Our countries span Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and the Pacific and are diverse – they are amongst the world’s largest, smallest, richest and poorest countries. Thirty-one of our members are classified as small states – countries with a population size of 1.5 million people or less and larger member states that share similar characteristics with them.
All members subscribe to the Commonwealth’s values and principles outlined in The Commonwealth Charter.
- See more at: http://thecommonwealth.org/member-countries#sthash.LrhxvIAy.dpuf
So is it time for us to move with the times, and look at redesigning our National **bleep**, into something more " Aussie " ?
" What Sayeth The People ? "
on 22-05-2015 11:56 AM
I think we are going to need a bigger flag
on 22-05-2015 12:01 PM
Oh and I forgot
A nice picture in the middle of the current residing
PM updated every 4 years or sooner
Depending on how fast he gets ousted
Or she if another woman ever get the job of her own merit
on 22-05-2015 01:55 PM
@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:
@lal-au0 wrote:so you think we should ignore who was here first and fly the british flag?
do you have a faint idea how sick the rest of the world is of british/US arrogance?
having that english stuff in our flag denigrates us to servants of the empire (which btw does not exist anymore, just for clarification for the ones who havent noticed yet).
But, the fact remains that OUR Queen, Yes, OUR Queen, is Queen Elizabeth of England. Until we are a Democracy it is fitting that our flag stays the same - THEN you can have this debate again - and I promise I won't even comment on the eventual choice of flag - why? Because I don't care. Have a Picaso style kangaroo if you want.
But, it still doesn't make the existing Aboriginals the 'First Australians'.
It's not your call. The aboriginal people (and their descendants) who were here when the Brit's rejects arrived are the original custodians of this country, Australia.
But that's beside the point.
If we're not yet a democracy, what you you call us?
on 22-05-2015 02:04 PM
How many full blooded aboriginals are left in this Country
As a percentage of the mix
So you could say that the decendants of aboriginals
Are British
on 22-05-2015 02:12 PM
on 22-05-2015 02:14 PM
@opmania wrote:How's this fora flag
Three horizontal stripes
Red White and blue
With a large outline of the map of Australia Centred
Filed with gold stars
One for every race that has ever lived here if you could fit that many
That would keep everyone happy
And maybe a halal certification in the bottom right corner
That would really make EVERYONE happy
It would always be flapping north westward.
on 22-05-2015 02:17 PM
on 22-05-2015 02:26 PM
There are lots of aborigines that have coupled with whites
Of their own choosing then and now
I'm a decendant of vikings but I don't claim land rights to any part
Of Scandinavia
on 22-05-2015 02:33 PM
on 22-05-2015 02:37 PM
Ha ha ha
Theres a few people on these boards with very severe