on โ07-05-2013 08:11 PM
I get a regular email from a rescue centre called EDGARS MISSION,it seems a great place , they save farm animals.They are urgently looking for homes for battery hens that are going to be slaughtered next week .They are at Willowmavin in Victoria if anyone can help.Google Edgars Mission and go to their blog to see the details .I cannot help as im in NSW but im hoping some one here may like some hens :-x
on โ08-05-2013 07:33 AM
They should be rehoused and allowed to roam around freely INSIDE the houses of those that kept them as battery chooks X-(
on โ08-05-2013 09:14 AM
I cannot believe Crystals comments in this thread. And you say she used to keep rats? To me rats are vermin yet even I would not fail to think they are living creatures capable of feeling pain and suffering. Some of her comments are just so naive!
I have seen the conditions battery hens are kept in, words can't describe it. Crystal perhaps you would like to be in a cage about as big as a toilet cubicle with a dozen other people,unable to sit down due to lack of space, kept out of the sun and fresh air, forced to stand in your own excrement, fighting with the others for any food and water thrown your way. And you endure this for the whole of your life till your lifeless body is found one day and then tossed out with the rubbish.
What if you were given a chance at another life, a life where you would wander around a yard, chasing after bugs, picking at treats in the grass and having dust baths. Feeling fresh air and sunshine on your body after being deprived of it for so long.
We live in a villa in suburbia so cannot rescue these poor hens but I think it's wonderful that some caring souls look upon chickens as more than just 'dinner' or egg suppliers and give them a chance at living a good life for a while.