sorry I don't have the right money!

Funny one today.  Left hubby to deal with a buyer that was doing a pick up.  When the buyer arrived he didn't have the correct money, OH says well neither do I, there is a shop down the road where you can get change, buyer says but I don't need anything?  So OH rounds it down $8.50.  I said to OH so buyer doesn't want to buy anything to get change but he's happy for us to lose $8.50 on the sale?  never leave to others what you should do yourself!  He could have bought a pack of gum for $1.00 and got change!

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Re: sorry I don't have the right money!

Community Member

Thats unfair "givemeaspell" We've only ever listed a couple of things for pickup, but when we have done, I've got change covering all possibilities, almost expecting the buyer to say exactly what happened to you.  OH thinks I was paranoid about it!   One buyer was so happy, she said "keep the change" though!

Message 2 of 12
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Re: sorry I don't have the right money!

whenever i have gone to buy anything as a pick up I have always had the exact money

 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 3 of 12
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Re: sorry I don't have the right money!

@daydream**believer wrote:

whenever i have gone to buy anything as a pick up I have always had the exact money


Me too, even if it means buying something I did not particularly want to buy in that moment.. 

But I always wonder if asking people  to bring the correct change would sound patronising.  Instead, I always keep some change just in case ๐Ÿ™‚


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 4 of 12
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Re: sorry I don't have the right money!

We usually try to have the right money when we're picking something up we round it up & don't bother with small change. Sometimes when I've purchased something ridiculously cheap like for .99 cents I usually pay $10.00 because I feel sorry for people who've done all that work for nothing.

Maybe your buyer figured that you saved them postage anyway OP.
Message 5 of 12
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Re: sorry I don't have the right money!

Last pickup I won was $49.00

I turned up with a $50 note, happy and willing to pay the round 50 for it.


Seller had it ready, out on the table with a shiny $1 coin sitting on top, before I even puled the 50 out


Yes, I have an opinion. No you don't have to agree with it. Yes I do have a right to it.
Message 6 of 12
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Re: sorry I don't have the right money!

@givemeaspell wrote:

Funny one today.  Left hubby to deal with a buyer that was doing a pick up.  When the buyer arrived he didn't have the correct money, OH says well neither do I, there is a shop down the road where you can get change, buyer says but I don't need anything?  So OH rounds it down $8.50.  I said to OH so buyer doesn't want to buy anything to get change but he's happy for us to lose $8.50 on the sale?  never leave to others what you should do yourself!  He could have bought a pack of gum for $1.00 and got change!

Just goes to show, never leave it to your OH to close the deal. The buyer probably does this to everyone he/she buys goods from, good lurk.

Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 7 of 12
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Re: sorry I don't have the right money!

I have people try and pay for a 20 cent item and they open their wallet and say "oh I only have a fifty I guess you can't change it" Yup I can Man LOL


And the other day I had someone who had no money. What the? 

Message 8 of 12
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Re: sorry I don't have the right money!

I've met some great people who have picked up stuff I sell.


But I am always staggered at the number of people that don't check whether the piece of furniture they bought will fit in their car.


Then I get the "Oh I thought it was smaller" line even though I had measurements listed.


And then there are those that show up with nothing to tie it down on in their trailer or on their roof.


The worst one I've ever had was a guy that got angry that two bookshelves wouldn't fit into his car and told me that I should have mentioned in my listing that they wouldn't fit in an average size car. We managed to squeeze one in and then he said he'd leave the other one. I said sure, whatever but then he only wanted to pay me for one of them.



Message 9 of 12
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Re: sorry I don't have the right money!

I just think its rude that he wasn't prepared to get change at a shop 25 meters away because he didn't need anything yet it was okay for me to drop $8.50? People never cease to amaze. I would have said oh well come back tomorrow then but OH hates dealing with this stuff. The reason it was pick up was because it was big item. I'm not fond if pick up either don't really like strangers coming to my home but sometimes it's unavoidable. Next time I'll have change ready - live and learn
Message 10 of 12
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