thanksgiving in Australia

Sarah Jane is on ABC news saying we should have thanksgiving here. Aren't we inundated with enough pseudo American culture already
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thanksgiving in Australia




"As for Maggie being the greatest human to ever grace this planet I along with all the others that despised her must have missed interpreted her actions. For that I am truly sorry and will love her till the day I die "


I suppose you despise her beacuse you probably think that she closed more coal mines than anyone else ??????


Another great myth.



Message 61 of 71
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thanksgiving in Australia

Joono, I'm all for getting a great bargain. People are literally trampled and hospitalized in many stores here. That is not a myth. 


The crazy people are not the people looking for a bargain. The crazy people are the people who fight over a sweater, and end up in the hospital. My son told me (last night )that he and his friend actually went to one of these stores last year. They ran as fast as they could, and it was mass mayhem. The store didn't even have the item he was looking for, and there were broken item all over the floors from people stampeding through the store. 


I was in one of these "type" of stores two days ago, and they were putting tape on the floor with one way arrows down the aisles. I laughed, and thought to myself.... do they actually think people are going to follow the tape? 



... and let's not forget about the protesters, who are angry that retailers are forcing people to work on holidays. 


The whole thing is madness. 


The "deals" are really no better than the sales after Xmas. 


no siggy
Message 62 of 71
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thanksgiving in Australia

While we're applauding the "Iron Lady", let us not forget Golda Meir, who led her country through the Yom Kippur war...........

Message 63 of 71
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thanksgiving in Australia

And Golda's list ! Those who know, know !

The ONLY way to deal with terrorists.
Message 64 of 71
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thanksgiving in Australia

Sorry, I forgot about Golda Meir
Message 65 of 71
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thanksgiving in Australia

You gals are showing your age ๐Ÿ˜‰ "Golda" was as tough as nails!
Message 66 of 71
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thanksgiving in Australia

Joono, my husband decided that he had to shop today. He bought one item that normally costs $69, for a grand total of $13. He is very happy. He did have to wait for over an hour in line to pay for it. He is going back right now to get another one. LMHO. The saleslady told him a couple of  funny stories from today. One couple came in and immediately got into a huge, and very loud arguement. They were escorted out of the store. At least most of the people were being somewhat civil when my husband was there. 


So, I guess I can add my husbands name to the list of crazy people who go out to shop on black Friday. I'd rather sew up holes in my socks, rather than go out into the madness. 




no siggy
Message 67 of 71
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thanksgiving in Australia

Well, our Thanksgiving went off well......Picked the veterans up at 1: PM, dropping off a home-made coconut/pineapple trifle for the clients at the home where my daughter is an assistant manager on the way.........


The war department's friend showed up around 2, and after some NFL,  hors d'voeuvres, and quaffing Angry Orchard Cinnamon cider, we dug in........


Darwin picked one of the vets as an "easy" mark, and was amply rewarded.......


The vets were back at the VA by six, and I crashed on the couch.  Woke up with a hankering for a turkey sandwich.

Message 68 of 71
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thanksgiving in Australia

@iapetus_rocks wrote:


It's a problem. while we know that some asylum seekers have a genuine case, it is also true that some do not, but are trying to rort the system.

Yes, right, people just leave everything they own (often houses that their family owned for many generations), embark on hazardous journey full of people who will try to fleece them of the little bit of money they have.  Then they get on a rickety boat  and all with the slim hope that if lucky enough they will reach Australian waters.  And they do this with their little children just for fun, or because they think they might get better job than they had back at home?  In any case it should not take more than couple of months to sort out their eligibility, not couple of years.


What would make you to take a journey like that? 


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 69 of 71
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thanksgiving in Australia

Back to thanksgiving; NO i do not think we need another holiday and excuse to overeat.  We do not need to adopt any more American customs.  Why should we?  Not that I have anything against USA, more than 1/2 of my immediate family are Americans.  ๐Ÿ™‚


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 70 of 71
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