the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

This is a thread with no particular

Topic so no one can be off topic 🙂


So if anyone out there has something 

To say about anything you like now

Is your chance


Keep it clean 


And be nice 


See how long that lasts


Can we keep politics and religion out 

Of the conversation 

Message 1 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

"We're right on the mark with this daylight savings...".

When the clock on the microwave read 3.30 they started making the "It's 3.30, don't we usually get a bit of a snack at 3.30? We seem to remember that things work like that... Surely you can't have forgotten us...??".

It's one of the few regrets with the birds that I have - teaching them to tell the time...

They get up on the windowsill and look through the window at the clock on the microwave...

"But it Says 3.30...", ha ha.

It's alright, I already got told off for getting up "late" this morning... ha ha.

It's not that they don't understand the idea of daylight saving, it's just that the clock on the microwave says it's 3.30, so it must be... ha ha.




Message 4331 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

TV cooking shows? Masterchef?

Don't try to fill my head with that nonsense.

I know how to cook... ha ha.





Message 4332 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread




Message 4333 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread




Message 4334 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

Takeaway was having a drink from the water dish...

It's rectangular, by the way, so she's at the "narrow" end of it.

Zoo decides to join her Mum - Getting a drink, what a good idea, I Have To Do It Now! and forces her way down Mum's side....

If only there was enough room for her to get her face in there, under Mum's chin, now that she's there, perched precariously on the edge of the platform...

But there isn't room... ha ha.

So she sat back, leant against Mum and sulked, momentarily...

Then she decided that the easiest way to get to the water dish was Over Mum...

Well, perhaps not...

It'd be a bit like getting into the other side of the family car by climbing over the roof... ha ha.

Go around Mum? No, that's far too much trouble... ha ha.

But there is another option...!

Go under Mum...

So she forced herself under her Mum's belly, giving no thought to the discomfort or inconvenience that might cause...

Having made it three quarters of the way through, she then changed her mind, and reversed out...

In order for all of this to happen, Takeaway had to stand up... and stop having a drink... and get that long suffering Mum look... ha ha.


I asked her  if it would be worth putting in another water dish.

No, she said... She'll just step in it on the way through, trying to get to the one that I'm drinking from, and then complain to me that her foot's wet... ha ha.





Message 4335 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

There's a battered old ceramic pot here by the window, and a couple of sunflowers are half heartedly making the attempt to grow in it.

I really should move it back outside now that the frosts have gone, but...

One corner of the pot has a spider's web across it.

A strange, jumbled mess that catches the Sun in the afternoons.

An insect just crawled across the web, which seemed to break beneath it...

I'd half thought of attempting some kind of rescue when a dark shape appeared...

There will be no rescue...

There will be no need for a rescue...

It seems that the chaotic tangle is more than just something that glints in the Sun, amusing me, ha ha.



Message 4336 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

Starting yesterday, because it's as good a place as any...

At breakfast time, a medium sized young male possum turned up...

Takeaway's not one to welcome visitors, and especially not at breakfast, and the fact that she's got a young one with her doesn't make her any more welcoming of strangers... ha ha.

As the young bloke found out...

He was half way down a bridge when he decided that turning tail and heading back in the direction he'd come from was a very, Very good idea, ha ha.

Off he ran, along the bridge... Over the arch... Up the ramp and onto the roof...

Being a cheeky little bloke, he sat on the edge of the roof with his tail dangling over...

Takeaway sat on top of the arch, gave it a moment's thought, then reared up about a third of her height and brought her front paws down hard, on one of the slats that make up the top of the arch...

"Thumpp!"... That's with Two P's, for emphasis... ha ha.

He bolted... All the way to the other end of the roof...

And then down to the big table so he could have a nibble...

Did I mention that he's a cheeky one? ha ha.

And that's where I thought it had pretty much wound up...

But he's a cheeky possum...

This afternoon I noticed a black and bushy tail in the doorway of the Honey house, and I thought it was strange...

It's a warm enough day, why isn't she in the Toffee house, it's bigger, and it's cooler...?

Maybe there's someone in there...?

I dug out the inspection camera so I could have a look..

I managed to get the camera through the doorway, and I was looking at the screen, trying to work out what the big pink blotch was...

It's all raw pine in there, it should be that uniform yellowy colour...

A big pink blotch...?

Suddenly the penny dropped...

It's "somebody's" nose... ha ha.

It's somebody who's just as curious about me as I am about them...

Hello, little man, I can see why the girls aren't sleeping in here, ha ha.

So, what kind of fun and games are we going to have in a couple of hour's time, when they get up?

A brief burst of "chase the possum", then some breakfast...?

He headed onto the long ramp that goes down to the back fence...

And almost made it all the  way...

Little Zoo, "The world is my adventure playground", got to the bottom of the ramp first, by using another bridge...

She was "adventuring"... I'm surprised that she doesn't skip and sing "La  la - la!" as she goes along...ha ha.

He found his path blocked on one side, and his chances of retreat up the ramp diminishing rapidly as Takeaway approached, so he did the sensible thing - sized up the distance between the ramp and the fence, jumped, and disappeared off into the night, ha ha.

And now I await tomorrow to see if there shall be a further chapter...



Message 4337 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

That vaguely Christmas related project that I started... furrows brow, draws in breath... Maybe it was earlier this year...?

Anyway, there is very little chance of it being in anything like a state to be called "Ready", by Christmas.

I thought I'd tell you that just in case you have a project that you're working on, and have come to realise that there are much fewer days between now and Christmas than you thought there were...

You're not alone... ha ha.

It will get finished and it will be beautiful...

Just keep telling yourself that... I do, it's the only thing keeping me going... ha ha.



Message 4338 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

Well, you had to start somewhere so where you finish isn't that important, as long as you started! .....  Smiley Very Happy



Message 4339 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

I found a small piece of wood, an offcut, in the workshop.

It's little, say 2 by 4 centimetres... Not big at all...

I looked at it and thought "I wonder if I could carve a really small owl from that...?".

It might not work, being so small, but it's worth a try.... ha ha.




Oh no, another new project...

And all these other projects that are still on the go...ha ha.

Well, at least I'm having fun.




Message 4340 of 12,453
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