this is a excellent budget

for the first time in years the cash, no kids hasn't been spanked.

and i will be paying less for your know the ones that you decided to have not me

Message 1 of 190
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189 REPLIES 189

this is a excellent budget

Call it what you like but females will be  disadvantaged by the new market interest rate which will be applied to student loans.


" Women who take time off work to have children will carry one of the largest financial burdens under the Coalition’s higher education plans."

Message 121 of 190
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this is a excellent budget

@purplecarrot-top wrote:
It is disgraceful. These aged pensioners worked and fought for this country. We owe them a debt of gratitude not accusations of being a burden.

Yes, that's what angers me. 


Joe Hockey doesn't have a good knowledge of Australia, imo.

He sat there and claimed we have never ever had commonwealth scholarships before.  Well duh, what does he think we used to have in the 50s?  It's like abbott wants us to revert to the 50s and the sooner the better.

Message 122 of 190
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this is a excellent budget

@icyfroth wrote:

@freakiness wrote:

@icyfroth wrote:

Actually no I don't remember any of that because I grew up in an age where young people got married and kids and stayed together and raised them


Yep, even when they got beaten to a pulp or the kids got raped. You made your bed you lay in it. Way to go for the future.


Welcome to the new way forward in Australia!

That didn't happen any more back then than it does today. Actually with the prevalence of alcohol an drug-related violence and abuse there's every chance there's more of it happening in these "enlightened" times.

The difference being that the taxpayer is forking out for it.

Actually wasn't it you, freaki, only yesterday telling the story of the young woman who's boyfriend bashed her to the point of hospitalisation, trashed her house and left her pet to starve?

There will always be phsycos.

Message 123 of 190
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this is a excellent budget

TONY ABBOTT: If we’re honest, most of us would accept that a bad boss is a little bit like a bad father or a bad husband. Not withstanding all his or her faults, you find that he tends to do more good than harm. He might be a bad boss but at least he’s employing someone while he is in fact a boss.

Message 124 of 190
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this is a excellent budget

He has enough knowledge Freaki.He knows exactly what he is doing....

Message 125 of 190
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this is a excellent budget

@icyfroth wrote:

Remember when parents where actually responsible for raising their children?

icyfroth, that is what I was on about. I answered that maybe there might be some kind of memory problem because parents are still and have always been responsible for raising their children. If your post was commenting on financial aid for parents then that has been happening since 1941.

Message 126 of 190
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this is a excellent budget

@catsnknots wrote:

@freakiness wrote:

@paintsew007 wrote:

That's what the minister for women is for. To make sure if we tread on the man's domain we pay dearly



....unbelievable. It's not even equal rights.

No surprise at all from this PM.  He owns 4 women and thinks that makes him feminist. He does not know the meaning of the word.

He owns 4 women??? How disgusting of you to talk like that.. this is probably the most low life comment I have ever heard on this forum... 


No man in any relationship owns the women in his life. 

You think that's worse than some of the accusations slung at Gillard?

OK. that's your perogative.  

Message 127 of 190
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this is a excellent budget

also all the endless threads regarding Labors debt, budget crisis, debt, debt, debt....hockit has based his bludget on lies. There are a lot of words but it is well worth a read for anyone interested. 


“The visionary lies to himself, the liar only to others.”


The Charter of Budget Honesty was introduced to stop incoming governments from claiming the previous government lied about the true state of the nation’s finances.  The heads of the Treasury and the Finance Department are required to put out their own set of numbers, the Pre-Election Fiscal Outlook (PEFO), during the election campaign. This gives a neutral baseline against which we can assess the new government’s figures. PEFO is the only set of Budget forecasts that truly belong to the bureaucrats – all other documents (like the Budget) are issued by ministers.


The outlook in PEFO was remarkably close to the figures in the Economic Statement issued by Chris Bowen and Penny Wong just before the election was called. The public servants in PEFO projected the Budget balance out for a decade. They found that the Budget was on track, before the election, to return to surplus in 2016-17 and keep improving from there, eventually hitting a surplus of about 1% of GDP by 2023 with net debt approaching zero.

Message 128 of 190
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this is a excellent budget

My mother was a single (pregnant) parent of 4 at age  22. That was in 1955. My father abandoned us. She worked 2 jobs until I was 10yo.

Parents have always been responsible for their children.

Message 129 of 190
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this is a excellent budget

Excuse me? Are we not living in an age where women have control over their bodies? We can now put off having children until we are in a financial position to do so.

You may well make the CHOICE to take time off from paying back your HECS but why should the taxpayer pay for it?


And why call it gender inequality? It's not blokes taking time off to have a baby, is it?

Sometimes I'm just shocked at the lack of comprehension.  Or am I being trolled and too thick to realize?

Message 130 of 190
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