on 06-05-2013 11:01 PM
Passed several people in a black on orange uniform, with a logo on the top of the jacket, who looked to be door knocking the street closer to town.
Anyone know who they could be??
I am planning to lock my gate in the morning as I don't want them to try and sell me something
on 06-05-2013 11:50 PM
"I am planning to lock my gate in the morning as I don't want them to try and sell me something"
AJ, I do not understand that, if you have an unwanted caller tell them politely to leave. Locking yourself in sounds like you are creating your own prison.
on 07-05-2013 07:18 AM
more than likely workers that need to wear safety colours.
Ergon Energy which is our electricity supplier wears similar colour uniform at times.
Orange safety colour tops and and dark blue jeans.
They will door knock if they need to cut power for unexpected reasons or if they need to trim your trees from power lines.
Put a sign at your gate that says no hawkers or sellers or something like that. You can actually buy those signs from newsagents too.
on 07-05-2013 07:43 AM
Good advice cats, I also find this works well,
and you don't even need to have a dog :^O
on 07-05-2013 08:32 AM
be careful if you do have a dog.....putting up a sign like that, means you know you have a vicious dog and if it should bite someone, you are liable.
on 07-05-2013 09:09 AM
a simple stick on sign saying no door knockers is all that is required. if one is displayed it 's illegal to knock. mine came from the local council free of charge
on 07-05-2013 11:13 AM
"a simple stick on sign saying no door knockers is all that is required. if one is displayed it 's illegal to knock."
Actually under Australian Consumer Law—people and companies involved in door-to-door selling (salespeople) are those required to observe the sign and leave the premises. Your local bible thumpers etc, may knock, thump, on your door.
on 07-05-2013 12:17 PM
If they knock, just DONT answer the door!
No law says you have to answer your door. (or phone, for that matter) 😉
on 07-05-2013 01:27 PM
My leering, drooling, leg dragging spastic act puts them off a treat, especially if I push it far enough to drape my arms around them and blow bubbles at them :^O:^O:^O
Mind you, that's just how I always look and act anyway :_|
on 07-05-2013 01:31 PM
That's the one thing I miss about living in a town ... all the fun of seeing them run out the front gate like the devil himself is on their heels :^O