on 06-05-2013 11:01 PM
Passed several people in a black on orange uniform, with a logo on the top of the jacket, who looked to be door knocking the street closer to town.
Anyone know who they could be??
I am planning to lock my gate in the morning as I don't want them to try and sell me something
on 07-05-2013 01:55 PM
I have Do Not Knock signs on all my doors.
They do not stop everyone however....we have a glass backdoor and the table that I use my laptop on faces the door.
If I don't know the person knocking on the door I simply don't answer it...I have had salespeople jumping up and down trying to attract my attention on more than one ocassion.
I simply point to the sign and continue with whatever I am doing.
The "gentleman" that screamed at me that he would kick the locked security door (the main door was open) in if I didn't answer soon changed his mind when our dog launched himself off the sofa and stood at the door growling...he is a very large Husky and very protective of his family.
Religious callers usually raise their hand to knock....see the pentagram on the door and beat a hasty retreat.
on 07-05-2013 02:30 PM
I have a picture of a Rottweiler on a sign that reads.
Hi my name is Jesus, I can make it to the end of our driveway in 3 seconds CAN YOU "
on 07-05-2013 04:15 PM
I really like religious doorknockers, at least the good looking female ones.
I enjoy sucking them in until they decide it's time to pray with me.
Then I inform them that I'm a Bush Baptist (That makes 'em look at me queer lol)
So I calmly explain that it means the only time my knees touch the floor is when I'm about to indulge in sex before asking them which one of them is taking me on first as they always come round in twos :^O
It often surprises me the turn of speed they can put on toward the front gate. They can even leap clean over it 😛
The ugly females and males get a different treatment altogether ...
I just tell them that they have all of 3 seconds to be on the outside of the gate before I discharge a shotgun full of birdshot in their general direction.
I don't know why but they never hang around long enough to find out if I'm really crazy enough to do what I say I will 😐
on 07-05-2013 04:18 PM
I have a picture of a Rottweiler on a sign that reads.
Hi my name is Jesus, I can make it to the end of our driveway in 3 seconds CAN YOU "
on 07-05-2013 04:28 PM
Oh my, some people think they are funny, and I don't mean you Yoda or Cat, as
you are. 🙂
Maybe I'm a rarity but I respect other peoples religions just like I expect
them to respect my lack of. I',m not at all afraid of people with strong
religious convictions and while some can be a nuisance I've never met
any that don't go away if I politely tell them I'm not interested.
on 07-05-2013 04:36 PM
Maybe I'm a rarity but I respect other peoples religions just like I expect
them to respect my lack of. I',m not at all afraid of people with strong
religious convictions and while some can be a nuisance I've never met
any that don't go away if I politely tell them I'm not interested.
My property, my rules of engagement.
I don't go to their churches or property wasting their time, so they shouldn't waste mine.
on 08-05-2013 09:47 AM
Foxtel guys wear orange and black.
on 09-05-2013 08:17 AM
"My property, my rules of engagement."
So, your rules over-ride the LAW do they? I may come and knock on your door just to test your rules.