why do atheists feel the need to talk about God all the time?

see you have to comment


don't you


you know you want to write something


you just have to comment


resistance is futile

Message 1 of 148
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Re: why do atheists feel the need to talk about God all the time?

ele said I have never had anyone  stick a foot in the door to prevent me closing it.


I have and still see the little boys face, he had red hair and when I answered his knock on my door a man who I did not see stepped out from the side and stuck his foot in the screen door so I could not close it. I was disgusted that this little boy (about 7) was used in this way.

Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 141 of 148
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Re: why do atheists feel the need to talk about God all the time?

Not applicable

it is child abuse, its that simple. JW's are nutty, and rude. who knocks on someones door to preach to them?> only others I can think of are the LDS, but I havent come across them dragging their kids into it.

Message 142 of 148
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Re: why do atheists feel the need to talk about God all the time?

RAB: "I seem to remember - I think it was the British Museum (so one would think scientist worth their salt) that they had a dinosaur assembled and on display in the museum for many years.
"I seem to remember - I think". Qualifications that make anything following not worth consideration.

RAB, research: The Bone Wars, also known as the "Great Dinosaur Rush" which were the source of this story from the USA and intense rivalry between  Edward Drinker Cope, and  Othniel Charles Marsh. Oh and it was a  plesiosaur not a dinosaur

RAB: "it took them over 100 years to find it out - that's the point I was making. And they didn't test it - they put it together and displayed it for 100 years."

Absolute nonsense RAB, do some basic research, Marsh humiliated Cope by pointing out that the hurried  assembly of the plesiosaur, had resulted in the head being placed where the tail should have been.

Message 143 of 148
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Re: why do atheists feel the need to talk about God all the time?

"I seem to remember - I think it was the British Museum"


OK, I should have said something like "I seem to remember a story about some mistaken identity of a dinosaur"


"I think it was the British Museum" - so I thought wrongly - it was a Museum in US - I didn't know - that's why I said "I think it was the British Museum". People have been know to preface a statement with "I think" when they don't really know. I am sure that doesn't happen to you because you know everything. Would you prefer that I said "It was the British Museum"? If I had, you could have legitimately called me an idiot.


I seem to remember something about 10:50pm being time for bed - I am not sure, mind you. But, it seems to ring a bell somewhere, so I think I will go to bed. 

Message 144 of 148
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Re: why do atheists feel the need to talk about God all the time?

Once again I thought in error - I haven't gone to bed yet. I just wanted to ask some questions regarding the passage I quoted above.


"The Brontosaurus, a member of a family of dinosaurs that walked on four legs with long necks and long tails called sauropods, was the victim of a war that was played out over a hundred years ago."


I am having trouble visualising this dinosaur.

It evidently had "four legs with long necks" - Did the "four legs" really have "long necks"




Did the the "four legs" have "long legs and long tails"



and also were the "long tails called sauropods".


Can some kind person help me with that...



Message 145 of 148
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Re: why do atheists feel the need to talk about God all the time?

of course that's meant to be:


Did the "four legs" have "long legs necks and long tails".



Message 146 of 148
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Re: why do atheists feel the need to talk about God all the time?

RAB, I just like facts if they are available.
You indicated the museum display event concerned not only the  the wrong head, but in the incorrect position,"Subsequently they found it was back to front???" which was wrong.

"1877 discovered, and soon after displayed. Not until 1979 that the correct head placed - that seems to be roughly a 100 years to me."

Actually the 100 years would appear to be a combination of two different periods/events:-
The first mistake was in the display of 1883 (wrong head, not end)
"The mistake was spotted by scientists by 1903, "

"The Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh even topped its Apatosaurus skeleton with the wrong head in 1932. The apathy of the scientific community and a dearth of well-preserved Apatosaurus skulls kept it there for nearly 50 years. In 1979 the correct head was placed atop the museum's skeleton"

Basically I agree with you RAB, mistakes/apathy abounded then because of personal rivalry, lack of ethical scientific process, indifference to public knowledge,  but as already pointed out here science eventually corrected the past pseudo science which is the "review" system in action, and the scientific process.

However this is a side issue, and as a devout Atheist I should be directly adding  to another of GO's strange beliefs: "why do atheists feel the need to talk about God all the time?"



This photograph from 1934 shows the Carnegie Museum's Apatosaurus skeleton on the right — wearing the wrong skull.This photograph from 1934 shows the Carnegie Museum's Apatosaurus skeleton on the right — wearing the wrong skull.

Message 147 of 148
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Re: why do atheists feel the need to talk about God all the time?

Monman12, Are we talking about the same mistake here?


You said:" Oh and it was a plesiosaur" but the Brontosaurus was a dinosaur - well, actually it never existed but they called it a dinosaur for 100 years.

Monman12 wrote: "Marsh humiliated Cope by pointing out that the hurried assembly of the plesiosaur, had resulted in the head being placed where the tail should have been."

I said "Subsequently they found it was back to front???"- you said "which was wrong."

'back-to-front' 'wrong way round' - potato potato -

The mind boggles - how could they have put the head where the tail should have been? It doesn't really give one much faith at how they have assembled some of the other so-called pre-man skeletons. Are they sure that they have not put parts of two or three completely different skeletons into one??

Message 148 of 148
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