on 20-10-2013 05:17 PM
Never had this before but it's been happening for the past fortnight, every so often IE 8 pops up a window sayng it's stopped
working with the following info .... and then it closes.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: IEXPLORE.EXE
Application Version: 10.0.9200.16720
Application Timestamp: 523cf127
Fault Module Name: KERNELBASE.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.18229
Fault Module Timestamp: 51fb1116
Exception Code: 80004005
Exception Offset: 0000c41f
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 3081
Additional Information 1: 8b9a
Additional Information 2: 8b9aa7d0a79dd7b46464a5cf6d2510ec
Additional Information 3: 1db9
Additional Information 4: 1db985b8ff341566be04c0796f305bcb
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I gather IEXPLORE.EXE is causing the prob but I have no idea what it is.
i know I can switch to Firefox but just wondering if anyone knows why this is happening?
i don't like to think I have a corrupt file on board.
I'm running Win 7.
on 20-10-2013 06:05 PM
Try using firefox it has less if any issues and is more ebay friendly
on 21-10-2013 11:45 AM
OK, will do. Thanks.
on 21-10-2013 09:08 PM
IE is now IE 10, so 8 may not be maintained so much anymore and if you don't download updates, there could be some conflict.
I use IE8 because I prefer it and don't have any probs but I also re-formatted comp recently.
If you absolutely want IE8, you could try restoring your comp to an earlier point. (system restore)
But you will lose any major changes done recently.
on 22-10-2013 12:39 PM
Hi kopenhagen
To be honest I'm not sure what version of IE I have so will try to find it. I do download updates regularly. Ah I've just checked it
and it is IE 10,. From what I've seen on the internet this problem file IEXPLORE.EXE is causing problems all over the place and is not
the same as iexplore. exe (in lower case) which is needed. But I'm not game to fiddle with it, so it looks like
Firefox for me.
on 28-10-2013 08:51 AM
Hi , I suggest first upgrade to the latest browser version ( ie 10) as recommended by Microsoft .
personal suggested procedure :
As you seem to have processing issues where app compatibilty may be an issue , and keeping mind that ie browser is more integrated with Windows than your security suite - yet both interact closely, the following procedure maybe helpful to ensure running process compatibilty
Ensure latest pertinent Windows updates are installed
Download latest browser distributable setup file
go offine
Uninstall your security (if supported to do so offline) Be sure of the uninstall / reinstall procedure
Install latest browser
restart the computer
Go online and manually update Windows system (incl ie) files
restart computer to reinitialize the registry
reinstall your anti-virus security suite and update
restart the computer
Using another browser to resolve this issue should only be considered a workaround
on 31-10-2013 07:10 PM
thanks for your advice rogespeed, but to be honest I'm not confident enough to do any of that. I'm only using IE10 for an
email address now, and use Chrome for everything else which I'm happy with as I've had no probs with Chrome.