Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010


Hello everyone and WELCOME to the Devils DownUnder Signature Tag request thread.

Feel free to pop in and request as many tags as you would like from the devils.

To help us make your tag, please tell us the name you would like on it, any themes/pictures you like, hobbies, colours etc. The more information we have, the more tags we can make.

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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010


Amy, I love your new flooring. I would of loved that design but we ended up with an oak.

Amy, thank you so much for my gorgeous tag.โ™ฅ

Well on a not so good husband was in an accident late last night on his way home from work. A deer ran out in the road and he couldn't stop in time. Thank goodness he's ok but the car is a mess. We have insurance on it but only liability so that means the cost will have to be paid by us. Just don't have the money right now so I'm not sure what we're going to do.

Hope you ladies have a great day.
Message 5421 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

Good Morning everyone ๐Ÿ™‚

Peelaโ™ฅHope you didn't get too much work done at the dentist.I hate that place!!

Donnaโ™ฅ So sorry to hear about your car,things always happen at the worst times.So happy to hear your hubby is ok.

TGIF I've got the kiddies home from school coughing and sniffing up a storm and Dad is coming over soon to help me do some demoliting in the bathroom fun times to be had by all!!!
Message 5422 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

oh dear Donna. Thank gawd hubby is ok though.

Hubby is now putting my skirting boards in the kitchen and then we will be able to move the fridge back in there.
Then we have to start on the spare room so that Miss 10 can move into it. Then we will move into Miss 10's old room. Then Mr 7 will move into our old room and then Hayden can move into Mr 7's old room. Phewwww i'm puffed just thinking about all that.
 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 5423 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

Thank you Le-Anne and Amy! I'm hoping it won't cost a whole lot to fix it up. We're the original owner of that vehicle and we've had it for 14 years without any major problems.

Amy, how exciting about your kitchen. Sounds like you're going to have a lot of moving around in the house for awhile. Are you adding a room to your home?
Message 5424 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

Community Member
HELLO Folks. ๐Ÿ™‚

Good to see some more visitors here..including me!!! I have been learning to do name scripting with making Tags in PSP.

DONNA: Glad your hubby is OK and sorry about your car.
I hope things will turn out OK and it will be fixed without too much cost.

We don't have that "deer hazard" in Australia, but in the outback there are kangaroos that jump out in the middle of the road....even cattle and sheep!! They obviously cannot read the road signs!!! hahahaha!!!

I don't know how you ladies can do renovations while you have small children to take care of. How do you cope while services are disconnected, for example? How do you keep the children out of the rooms being renovated? It's a lot to cope with, for sure.

Enjoy your weekend and take good care.
"Where have all the Flowers gone?" - MiM

Message 5425 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

evening all โ™ฅ

gee donna your hubby was lucky to come out of that with no injuries .... a car can be fixed ... hoping it doesnt cost too much to get it repaired .....

hey le-anne ..... nah was my 8mthly scale/clean and checkup ...mind you they ask me to have a full mouth xray they said they had only single teeth ... ask how much ...LOL .... so after HBF paid out ... the whole visit cost me $78 all up .... not too bad I suppose .... but hygienist asked me what kind of toothbrush I used ..... a manual or automatic ....???
told her a manual .... she said I clean my teeth very well ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

LOL ...told her I go through toothbrushes very quickly I like to make sure my teeth are super clean when I clean them .... she was very happy with my teeth cleaning abilities PMSL ... so I suppose thats something to be proud of ๐Ÿ˜›

ooh amy .... you wont know yourself once youve all moved into your new rooms and the kitchen is finished ..... lubberly โ™ฅ

**waving to mim** โ™ฅ


Message 5426 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010


Hi Girls!

Hope you're all well.

Message 5427 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

Good Morning!

Thank you ladies!

Peela, very can always be fixed. We've never seen deer go across the highway in that area in all the years we've lived here. I think because of the drought we're in, all wildlife are coming further into the valley and out of the mountains looking for food. In my neighborhood, we've had sightings of mountain lion, bobcat, and even a black bear.

I hope you ladies have a good day!
Message 5428 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

nightly bump .....

**waving to von** โ™ฅ

:O ..... donna .... oh my .... not the type of thing you want in ya backyard now is that ???

my daughter found something online ... in US ....where some people heard noises in their back shed .... thought it was a raccoon or such ...didnt worry too much ....but the noises got louder so they called in someone to help rid them of the beast .... turns out it was a mountain lion ..... came out when it saw a dead chicken the guy put out as a lure ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

how scary would that be ?? ....they darted it ....caught it and relocated it safely ..... but sheesh what if you went in there thinking it was some harmless critter ....**shudder**

well off to bed for me .... nite donna โ™ฅ


Message 5429 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

Hi all

Donna- yes we are hoing to add a new bathroom as well.

Mim- it is very hard renovating with kids but luckily my other kids are older (10 and 7) and they know they are to stay clear of the room being renovated. The tricky part will be keeping the noise down while Hayden sleeps
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Message 5430 of 8,313
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