Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010


Hello everyone and WELCOME to the Devils DownUnder Signature Tag request thread.

Feel free to pop in and request as many tags as you would like from the devils.

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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

evening all ....

le-anne ..... we had a veal, roast potato, onion, mozzarella, cream sauce with herbs pizza .... large one .... was delish !

then missy bought a small mud-honey dessert pizza .... ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

it was chocolate covered in chocky sauce, honey, chocolate buttons - white / milk chocolate .... ooh sooo sweet .... I had a piece as big as a ten cent coin ..... too sweet for me .... mum had a tiny piece ...and missy ate 3 pieces and bought the rest home to have tomorrow or whenever ....

oh and went to pay the deposit at Jettys .... only to find it closed for renos .... until 30th june .... luckily mums birthday luncheon is on the 3rd july ...... ๐Ÿ˜‰

my sister will email them and tell them they sent us on a wild goose chase with their message to pop in and pay the deposit !!

after that we went home to mums where she made a beautiful chicken & vegie soup .... and also some roast vegies with a chicken tikka marsala dish ....... and we got to bring the left overs of the dinner home and a big bowl of the soup .... yummmmm !

oooh scary donna ... ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

have a great day tomorrow all .... we in the west have tomorrow off .....long weekend .... yeeeehaaaa!

nite ....


Message 5441 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

morning all ....

another brisk morning over here in the west ....and a cold night ...

but tis okay we have long weekend no dashing outta bed this morning ๐Ÿ˜‰

have a great day all โ™ฅ


Message 5442 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

Community Member
Hello Everyone. ๐Ÿ™‚

PEELA: A long weekend? We will have the "Queen's Birthday" holiday weekend next weekend in the east.
All those pizzas sound yummyyy!!

Amy and Le-Anne: Glad you have your children organised to cope with the renos. Of course there is a lot of constant cleaning up each day also. Glad you ladies have it all under control.

Donna: I hope your hubby is feelilng OK. Scarrryy about the wildlife in your area. We also have a few Australian native creatures here at our home like possums and fruit bats, and lizards (which could look like a snake if you only saw it's head)!!! hahaha!!

Take care Folks. Bbyyeee for now.
"Where have all the Flowers gone?" - MiM

Message 5443 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

Good Morning!

I'll be leaving here in an hour to pickup my grandniece. I'll stop in in a couple of days.

Lene, I'm soooo excited! We're ripping the carpet up on Friday and once that is done, we'll be installing the new flooring. Everything should be done by Sunday.

Hope you ladies have a great day!
Message 5444 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

**waving to mim & donna**

woohoo a new floor .... it will be awesome donna ....dont forget to take some piccies so we can see the before and after and drool over your beautiful floors ..... ๐Ÿ˜‰

well another cold night ahead of us here .... but got the leckie blankey on wont be too cold for me ๐Ÿ˜›

have an awesome week all โ™ฅ

nite .....


Message 5445 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

Good Morning everyone ๐Ÿ™‚

Peelaโ™ฅ Those pizzas sound amazing!!! Don't you just lovewild goose chases but at least you all had a nice day out xxx

Donnaโ™ฅ So so so happy for you getting your new floor after all that waiting ๐Ÿ™‚

Hi Mimโ™ฅ hope you've had a fantastic weekend xxx

I've got a full on day today.Dad is over and we are going to tag team it one staying here waiting for the furniture guys and the other doing the tip/shop/charity bins/bunnings runs. Can't believe how much work we've done on the house but how much more is still waiting.
That's what I get for having a oldish house lol I bet by the time I'm up to date with the renos we will decide to move and it will start all again ha ha ha but not ha ha

Happy Monday everyone ๐Ÿ™‚
Message 5446 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

morning all ....

**waving to le-anne** โ™ฅ

oooh you are a busy beaver these days .... are you still working at the store ? .....

Im not booked for this entire week ....but thats ok .... have a funeral to attend tomorrow .... ex MIL ....and my missy has asked to be a pallbearer for nanna ...a very sad time for the family .... ๐Ÿ˜ž

but as I havent really had any time off since jan 2010 .... I think I will enjoy the time off ...while it lasts ...could change with one phone call LOL


Message 5447 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

Hiya Peelaโ™ฅ

So sorry for your family's loss hun don't envy your day tomorrow I'll be thinking of ya xxx

Enjoy your time off most deserved I can't believe how long you've gone without a proper break!! Hope you get a couple of days in before your phone starts ringing ๐Ÿ˜‰

I'm still at the shop thankfully things have settled down and I've been doing my set shifts (all day wednesday and thursday night) fr the last couple of weeks ๐Ÿ™‚
Message 5448 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

nightly bump ....

**waving to le-anne** โ™ฅ

well thats good ... a bit of extra money always comes in handy on holidays or when renovating ๐Ÿ˜‰

well must have spoken too soon .... got two calls today (for work tomorrow) ... and then a text this arvo .... wanting me on thur & friday .... LOL ..... they are gonna confirm tomorrow about the thur/fri .... but sure to be booked I reckon .,...

oh well theres always next week ... only booked on the tues at this stage LOL ..... not holding my breath on that either ๐Ÿ˜›

have a great day tomorrow ... โ™ฅ

**waving to donna** โ™ฅ

nite ....


Message 5449 of 8,313
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Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

Good Morning everyone ๐Ÿ™‚

Peelaโ™ฅ grrrrrr to the phone calls but as you said the $$ definately make it worth it while and it would be a worry if they stopped calling all together ๐Ÿ˜‰

I'm getting ready for work got a phone call yesterday from my boss and I won some gold class movie tix for reaching the highest increasing average from last year for WA thank you my thursday night impulse buyers I LOVE YOU!!! hehehe

I have to take back a coat today during my lunch break.When I bought it I thought it would look so classy took it home tried it on again and saw the truth (a obsese mary poppins and not in a happy jolly spoon full kind of way pmsl) sooooooooo back that flatering piece goes ๐Ÿ˜„

Donnaโ™ฅHope you are having an amazing time with your grand niece and the floor is going good xxx

Happy Wednesday everyone ๐Ÿ™‚
Message 5450 of 8,313
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