Funny word chain game

1. Take the last letter of the word written by the OP as the first letter of your word.

2. You need to use your words to make sentences (sentences with at least 5 words).

3. The number of letters in the word is at least 4 (eat, yes, ok are not counted).

4. Words cannot be repeated, and must not be written by previous friends.


English--I read English article every night.

home--This is the finest home in this city.

early--He got up exceedingly early this morning.

And so on...


Alright, everyone! I'll put out the first word first, and everyone will take their place:


Today: How are you feeling today?



Come on, please continue

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Re: Funny word chain game

MOLLY - She was only small with a wiggly tail and a very loud bark and Molly was her name.

Message 441 of 795
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Re: Funny word chain game

YODELLING - The song of the lonely goatherd is notable for the yodelling performed by Julie Andrews while she dangles the puppets.

Message 442 of 795
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Re: Funny word chain game

GOING - Sitting in my car and remembering what I used to do many many years ago I with I was going to the final this coming week.

Message 443 of 795
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Re: Funny word chain game

GLITCH - There are so many things that can go wrong with all things technical, and a glitch can be hard to explain or to solve.

Message 444 of 795
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Re: Funny word chain game

HUNGER - He felt an especially fierce hunger after his days-long walk across the mountains.

Message 445 of 795
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Re: Funny word chain game

REGALIA - He looked an especially comical figure as he seated himself pompously upon his makeshift throne, all hung about with his gimcrack regalia — bits of tin foil, costume jewellery, strips of ribbon and fripperies and a fairing he’d won three summers ago.

Message 446 of 795
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Re: Funny word chain game

AUSTRALIA - With the passing of the Queen you wonder if Australia will become a republic in the future.

Message 447 of 795
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Re: Funny word chain game

ANGER - She insisted her teenager attend anger management classes.

Message 448 of 795
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Re: Funny word chain game

REACTION - The woman`s reaction to the winning goal was so over the top that her son was so embarrassed by her squealing! 

Message 449 of 795
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Re: Funny word chain game

NAME - The old gentleman in the dark burgundy cap shuffled forward, but could not hear the receptionist clearly when she asked him to confirm his name and phone number.

Message 450 of 795
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