Funny word chain game

1. Take the last letter of the word written by the OP as the first letter of your word.

2. You need to use your words to make sentences (sentences with at least 5 words).

3. The number of letters in the word is at least 4 (eat, yes, ok are not counted).

4. Words cannot be repeated, and must not be written by previous friends.


English--I read English article every night.

home--This is the finest home in this city.

early--He got up exceedingly early this morning.

And so on...


Alright, everyone! I'll put out the first word first, and everyone will take their place:


Today: How are you feeling today?



Come on, please continue

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794 REPLIES 794

Re: Funny word chain game

GARBLED - She woke up in a huge sweaty panic after her nightmare of standing on stage in front of the whole school, only to find that the words in her carefully prepared speech came out completely garbled and unintelligible.

Message 791 of 795
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Re: Funny word chain game

DRY - Under the thin dry shimmer of summerโ€™s rays burning down upon this stretch of rocky ground, where reddish rock formed a curiously menacing semicircle, the shallow lake enclosed within its embrace took on a delicate tinge of pink.


Message 792 of 795
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Re: Funny word chain game

YARROW - She grew yarrow in her garden, both for the enjoyment of a sea of flowers, and the aid the herb gave to her digestion.

Message 793 of 795
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Re: Funny word chain game

WINK - Fred had suffered all his life from nictation, which caused his eyelid to twitch downwards in what appeared to be a salacious wink; this was especially distressing when in the company of women who might assume he was being lewd or suggestive when in truth he was a shy and unassuming man.

Message 794 of 795
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Re: Funny word chain game

KOALA - The small area of bushland near the centre of town was known by the locals as the "koala crossing" due to the warning signs installed by the council.

Message 795 of 795
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