My ebayplus discounts keep disappearing on auction win or on best offer purchases...

This is now the third time this has happened, in as many months. First it was only ~$10 discount I missed, then $120 and it happened again today. I'm starting to feel like they're running the old bait and switch!

When I'm bidding on an item below it shows the "Pay only $x for this item. Show me how" and it gives you the discount code and allows you to bid. Once you win the code and discount disappears and it doesn't appear in the final payment screen.

I'm getting really peeved, especially with the money I'm spending I feel like this is a deceptive practice. Is it happening to anyone else?

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Answers (1)

I was under the impression that the discount only applied to buy it now prices and not to best offers and cannot by used with other discounts. I don't bid on auctions so don't know what the rules are with that. 


Read the terms and conditions of the discount coupon.