on 09-02-2023 11:36 AM
I have been hit with two charges to eBay Commerce Australia Pty Ltd. , one for $28.54 and another for $23.84.
There are no sellers mentioned and nothing i have bought matches the amounts charged. Please can some-one help, i am on a limited budget and these charges have hit me hard.
Are they genuine charges on your bank statement
Or did you get an email saying you have been charged those amounts by a scammer pretending to be eBay?
If they are actually on your bank statement, you need to report this to your bank right away, so they can investigate them, cancel your card and get you a new one
You also need to report the charges to eBay as your account may have been compromised without you knowing
What is your question for other members?
Nobody here can try to help you based on a random comment.
REAL charges, OR an email from a scammer PRETENDING to be eBay saying you have those charges?
Was it for one of the things you have feedback for recently? (both from dodgy sellers overseas)
Open your own thread and explain the issue (without giving any kind of personal details/information)
People here are not mind readers
Supergran1010, how can you possibly claim there is no such company as eBay? No wonder chat did not know what you were claiming. You have an eBay account, you buy things from sellers who list on eBay, and you have to pay for those things
And you have been on eBay for 14 years
Why would you claim there is no such company?
The charges have been listed on my paypal account as "eBay Commerce Australia Pty Ltd ". They are listed in my bank account as "EFTPOS PAYPAL *EBAY AU 4029357733 " with the same amounts withdrawn. What can i do to find out what is going on?
As I have already said,
if you did not make those purchases, you need to contact your bank and notify them of unauthorised charges so they can cancel or freeze your card before more charges get made, they will also investigate the charges.
And, you need to contact eBay and tell them you have charges on your bank account that you did not make nor authorised. You need to do these things without delay, in case these are 'tester' amounts taken by a scammer, before they do a much larger amount
The amounts you have been charged seem to suggest a conversion from another currency.
If you are sure you didn't buy anything and that nobody else has access to your eBay and PayPal accounts, you should contact your bank immediately, as already suggested.
You also asked how to contact eBay. You can only contact eBay during normal business hours via live chat from the help page (scroll down to "contact us" and go through all the options until the live chat window appears).
Are you certain that you can’t match up these amounts with recent purchases? Have you bought any items listed by overseas sellers? Is it possible that these are from an item in the US, for instance, converted to AUD? Possibly an item sent through the Global Shipping Program where you’ll see the portion that goes to PB (Pitney Bowes) being charged separately from the portion that goes to the seller?
If it’s still not making sense and you made absolutely no purchases in the relevant time period, then yes… contact your bank.
Why am i paying money to Commerce Australia pty ltd
This is my first time on these boards so excuse any stupid questions i might ask. I cant find any way to contact ebay directly and i`m having a hard time working out how to reply to a post, i`m using the answer button on my original post to post a reply to any replies to my post.
How do I stop e bay commerce charging my account
Same happened to me ...as a direct debit...it was declined by the bank luckily as I only put funds in that account as needed. Plus the account was not registered with eBay . odd amount also...$98.57??
Strange charges.ebay comerce au
Nobody here can help you any more than what everyone has already responded with.
Posting a random comment is not going to achieve anything.
This thread lone is FULL of advice etc, if you want to ignore everything already here, nobody here can help
In what way is it 'strange' ?
If it is a real charge that you know you do not owe, have you cancelled your card? reported it to your bank and to eBay?
You are the only person who can do those things
I am having strange charges from toyzone.com through eBay commerce for 7 amounts from 24/03/2024 back to and including 13//01/2024. What’s going on? Please let me know ASAP. Thank you
If you don't know what the charges are for, how do you expect other member to know what the charges are for ?
Why have you not reported these 'strange charges' to eBay and your bank already?
Especially if they have been going back for over two months
Unless you have another account that you allow other people to use, that should have been done already
What is ebay commerce.
Thay have taken unauthorised payments from my PayPal account
It has been posted numerous times who they are, including this thread you are posting on
The are the 'money handling' leg of eBay, where sellers you buy from list their items.
If the charges are really unauthorised, I hope you have notified your bank and cancelled your card, notified eBay and PayPal etc?
Or are the charges for either purchased items or fees for something you signed up to like SmartyCash Back or eBay Plus?
Same problem here.
Charge on my credit card via PayPal AU gives neither any info on who is the seller apart from eBay Commerce Australia, nor any clue as to what I bought. Nor does eBay list what I bought.
Simple solution : No more purchases thru PayPal!
"Charge on my credit card via PayPal AU gives neither any info on who is the seller apart from eBay Commerce Australia, nor any clue as to what I bought. Nor does eBay list what I bought. Simple solution : No more purchases thru PayPal!"
It's either for something you've bought through eBay or it's a subscription to eBay Plus or Smartycashback that you agreed on when you took up the offer.
Refusing to pay will just see the debt collectors sent after you.
If you are saying you have not bought anything, and that you have signed up to anything like Smartycashback to 'get a voucher' then surely you have contacted yor bank to cancel your card and investigate the charges, AND contacted eBay to report you account has been compromised.
NOT a solution at all, you are liable for the charges made on your account to your card if you fail to act other than post on a member forum no more purchases thru PayPal.
And eBay does not sell anything, eBay commerce is not the seller. If you don;t know that much, you should not be using eBay at all full stop
Hi I got deposit of 65$ ebay commerce Au but 2 weeks after was charged $75 from eBay commerce. Didn't have any purchases on eBay and there's no any transaction so would you help me with this
I have three charges through EBay Commerce which know nothing about. How can I stop these charges
I have brought a cord on eBay commerce Australia PTY LTD For $5.16 on the 29th June 2023 and have not received this item payed by PayPal please help
I need to know what products I brought off them so I know what ones I have not got please
As sandy said, you should have a fair idea of what you have bought. You're not exactly a prolific buyer. Maybe check your buying history. A bit out there, admittedly.
What is this charge ,does not say what order was,and payments in two charges item is more expensive than first charge.i will be taking this further as nothing recieved or looks like being sent.Michele Mills