I cant get responses to genuine questions!

Community Member

I have been looking at buying certain models of Fender Stratocaster guitars and after being messed around trying to buy elsewhere I decided to try Ebay. I have had my account for years but got put off when I tried to buy an item but because my account was new it would not let me and I ended up just going to Amazon. 


The problem I have is that people simply ignore me because I have no purchases. I even asked someone to give me any response of any kind just so I know someone is at the other end (ad has not been updated for months) but I just get ignored. 


How do I purchase anything if sellers completely ignore me no matter what I do? Incredibly frustrating! 

Message 1 of 62
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I cant get responses to genuine questions!

Thank you, I may resort to this if nothing else works 

Message 51 of 62
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I cant get responses to genuine questions!

Thank you, I think they may have been viewing me as guest as there was definitely no password set up on my account so I have gone through and updated it completely. So hopefully this works. 


Oh... the seller appears to have removed the ad completely now! Smh... I just cant win here ๐Ÿ˜ž

Message 52 of 62
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I cant get responses to genuine questions!

Bugger....just received this message from seller: Sorry. Husband just sold it on Facebook Marketplace.


I don't know what to say 

Message 53 of 62
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I cant get responses to genuine questions!

Wow... well that sucks. Ironic I get completely run around and time wasted on FB Marketplace which is why I came here. This deal was cursed from the start it seems. 


Thank you to you and others who tried to help. Gutted 

Message 54 of 62
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I cant get responses to genuine questions!

You need to get your account 'sorted' so that this doesn't play out again & again...how frustrating!

Message 55 of 62
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I cant get responses to genuine questions!

Insanely frustrating. Thing is if I could have actually messaged and hit buy now when I wanted to it would have been mine but I hit hurdle after hurdle with this. I guess it wasn't meant to be though but I am definitely upset as it was exactly what I wanted in everything from colour, style, country of origin and price. 


But again, thanks to those who were actually helpful, I do genuinely appreciate it and I may buy minor items when I think of something I need just so I have some history. 

Message 56 of 62
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I cant get responses to genuine questions!

good idea....build up your feedback.....and don't forget, Marketplace has it's tyre kickers.....it's not over til it's over....keep your eyes open ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Message 57 of 62
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I cant get responses to genuine questions!

Thanks again ๐Ÿ™‚


What a saga... 

Message 58 of 62
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I cant get responses to genuine questions!

Itโ€™s possible that the seller had already sold the guitar at the time that you sent a message.


Iโ€™m sorry itโ€™s turned out like this, but I would agree that itโ€™s best to create a new account rather than via google or other social media options. That will at least avoid that weirdly bare look without registration date etc, and might possibly help with messaging.


Message 59 of 62
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I cant get responses to genuine questions!

Thank you and yeah possibly, though I just tried to by a $70 pedal style guitar tuner as I do want a better one than I have but also to at least have something on my account.... and it would NOT let me may. It says I have restrictions on my account and when I read up that is usually because you did something wrong. So I would never have been able to buy the item anyway it seems and my messages are probably going nowhere - nice of Ebay to tell me this! 


I tried to the help bot but that is utterly useless so I got nowhere. I may try to get an actual human when they are available but beyond that I have absolutely had enough of Ebay at this point. 


I totally understand wanting to protect against fraud etc but my only interaction on this account prior to this was I tried to buy a VR headset and I guess I hit this wall and I ended up going to Amazon. Which I must say was a case of signing up, paying with my card and I got my VR Headset for cheaper and within a day or so. I don't understand why I cant buy with my own card under my own name?! 


This has been an absolute nightmare and I don't feel I did anything wrong here, I have not behaved in a manner that would cause suspicion, unless selection of an item and immediately paying is suspicious activity! 


Anyway... just ranting but I cant believe how difficult they make this for people who pay up front and have done nothing wrong. 

Message 60 of 62
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