EBay Delivery Services in transit delays in same city last mile delivery why?

Community Member

Items seems to travel a day at a time then sits for a day or two @ depo's for what seems should be a straight line or stop over nite on the way to delivery? Paid $20 for delivery but have had Items arrive from China faster for a few bucks!

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Community Member

If Tracking listed as "EBay Delivery Services" Click here to find out who the final courier is or more detailed transport log of the items travels link here: https://parcelsapp.com/en/tracking/

Thanks again to papermoon.lady or the link!

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

I have experienced horrible delays with AusPost too lately, and I am trying to avoid Aramex altogether, but it is not eBay's or Etsy's fault - or any other company's fault. AusPost had so improved (until February I even received most items before the estimated delivery), then all of a sudden the delays are worse than ever (if the items arrive at all), but I assume it is not the same everywhere, as it depends on sorting centres, staff etc.

As for items from China, ironically the ONLY item that arrived on time since February was a small parcel from China - economy from China that took less than regular parcels NSW from NSW (twice).