Undelivered parcel

Community Member

I was advised by ebay that my item no. 253673574959 was delivered 11.15pm Saturday 23 June 18 - but I havent received it. Could you tell me the parcel delivery company so I can contact them. Thanks.

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Note: you're not contacting eBay by posting on these boards. They are public forums on which any eBay member can post, and the responders are, like you, fellow eBay members who give voluntary helpful advice and information. (The standard of help is usually well above the type of cut-and-paste help provided by eBay customer service.)


eBay can't have personally advised you that your item was delivered, as eBay are not the courier or delivery service. Did you receive an email or SMS notifying you that the parcel had arrived in Australia? That would seem to be the likely situation; I don't know any couriers or delivery services delivering on a Saturday.


More than likely, the item's landed in Australia by the particular international express service chosen by the seller, and it's being unpacked and inspected and readied for delivery to your address. It's almost certain that in the next day or so it will be delivered.